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thefloff 4 år sedan

+ 2 - 2
addons - Copy/RD501_Main/functions/impulse/fnc_impulseApply.sqf

@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ switch (_impulse_state) do
-_titlehintimpulsor  = "<t color='#E57300' size='2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>IMPULSOR</t>";
-_texthintimpulsor   = format ["<br /><t color='#00ff00' size='1.4' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>Stage %1 - %2</t>", _impulse_state, _stage_message];
+_titlehintimpulsor  = "<t color='#253f5c' size='2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>IMPULSOR</t>";
+_texthintimpulsor   = format ["<br /><t color='#ffffff' size='1.4' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>Stage %1 - %2</t>", _impulse_state, _stage_message];
 hint parseText (_titlehintimpulsor+_texthintimpulsor);
 if (!_accelerate && !_decelerate) exitWith{};

+ 0 - 23
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/initTD.sqf

@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-_vehic = _this;
-_vehic setvariable ["impulsorStatus",false,true];
-_titlehintimpulsor  = "<t color='#E57300' size='2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>IMPULSOR</t>";
-_texthintimpulsor   = "<br /><t color='#CE0000' size='1.4' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>OFF</t>";
-hint parseText (_titlehintimpulsor+_texthintimpulsor);
-while {(!(_vehic getvariable ["impulsorStatus",false]) AND (speed _vehic > 100))} do
-_vel = velocity _vehic;
-_dir = direction _vehic;
-_speed = -10;
-_vehic setVelocity [
-(_vel select 0) + (sin _dir * _speed), 
-(_vel select 1) + (cos _dir * _speed), 
-(_vel select 2)
-sleep 0.5;

+ 0 - 24
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/initTE.sqf

@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-_vehic = _this;
-_vehic setvariable ["impulsorStatus",true,true];
-_titlehintimpulsor  = "<t color='#E57300' size='2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>IMPULSOR</t>";
-_texthintimpulsor   = "<br /><t color='#00ff00' size='1.4' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>ON</t>";
-hint parseText (_titlehintimpulsor+_texthintimpulsor);
-[_vehic, "LAATstart_repulsor"] remoteExec ["say3D", 0, false];
-while {((_vehic getvariable ["impulsorStatus",false]) AND (alive _vehic))} do
-if (speed _vehic <= 600) then {
-_vel = velocity _vehic;
-_dir = direction _vehic;
-_speed = 10;
-_vehic setVelocity [
-(_vel select 0) + (sin _dir * _speed), 
-(_vel select 1) + (cos _dir * _speed), 
-(_vel select 2)
-sleep 0.5;