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Minor cleanup

Erliens 4 years ago
1 changed files with 0 additions and 99 deletions
  1. 0 99
      addons - Copy/RD501_Weapons/Z6/config.cpp

+ 0 - 99
addons - Copy/RD501_Weapons/Z6/config.cpp

@@ -130,11 +130,7 @@ class cfgWeapons
 			dispersion = Z6_accuracy_burst
 			displayName = "Over Charge Auto";
-			recoil = "recoil_single_smg_02";
-			recoilProne = "recoil_single_prone_smg_02";
-			//reloadTime = 0.1;
 			reloadTime = Z6_burst_reload
-			//soundContinuous = 1;
 			burst = 25;
 			textureType = "fastAuto";
@@ -218,100 +214,5 @@ class cfgWeapons
-	/*class OPTRE_UnguidedLauncher_Base;
-	class OPTRE_M41_SSR:OPTRE_UnguidedLauncher_Base
-	{
-		class Single;
-	};
-	class macro_new_weapon(chaingun,z6x): OPTRE_M41_SSR
-	{
-		baseWeapon = macro_new_weapon(chaingun,z6x);
-		recoil = macro_new_recoil(chaingun);
-		displayName = "Z-6X";
-		magazines[] = {macro_new_mag(chaingun_z6x,1000)};
-		ace_overpressure_priority = 1;
-		ace_overpressure_angle = 0;
-		ace_overpressure_range = 0;
-		ace_overpressure_damage = 0;
-		descriptionshort = "Ur mom gay :)";
-		class GunParticles
-		{
-			class effect1
-			{
-				positionName = "muzzleEnd2";
-				directionName = "muzzlePos2";
-				effectName = "";
-			};
-		};
-		modelOptics = "Scope\4x_xm8.p3d";
-		class OpticsModes
-		{
-			class StepScope
-			{
-				opticsID = 1;
-				useModelOptics = 1;
-				opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera1", "OpticsBlur1"};
-				opticsFlare = 0;
-				opticsZoomMin = 0.125;
-				opticsZoomMax = 0.125/2;
-				opticsZoomInit = 0.125;
-				distanceZoomMin = 300;
-				distanceZoomMax = 300;
-				memoryPointCamera = "eye";
-				cameraDir = "look";
-				visionMode[] = {"Normal", "NVG", "Ti"};
-				thermalMode[] = {0, 1};
-				opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 1;
-				discretefov[] = {0.125, 0.125/4, 0.125/8};
-				discreteInitIndex = 0;
-			};
-		};
-		modes[] = {"Single"};
-		class Single: Single
-		{
-			sounds[] = {"StandardSound"};
-			class BaseSoundModeType
-			{
-			};
-			class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType
-			{
-				// begin1[] = {"OPTRE_Weapons\Rockets\data\sounds\rocket_1.wss", 2.5, 1, 1500};
-				// soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 1};
-				begin1[] = {"SW_CloneWarsWeapons\SW_Z6\sound\fire1z6.ogg", 0.9, 3, 2000};
-				begin2[] = {"SW_CloneWarsWeapons\SW_Z6\sound\fire1z6.ogg", 0.9, 3, 2000};
-				soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.5, "begin2", 0.5};
-				// begin1[] = {"SW_CloneWarsWeapons\DC17\DC171.ogg", 1, 3, 1200};
-				// begin2[] = {"SW_CloneWarsWeapons\DC17\DC172.ogg", 1, 3, 1200};
-				// begin3[] = {"SW_CloneWarsWeapons\DC17\DC173.ogg", 1, 3, 1200};
-				// begin4[] = {"SW_CloneWarsWeapons\DC17\DC174.ogg", 1, 3, 1200};
-				// begin5[] = {"SW_CloneWarsWeapons\DC17\DC175.ogg", 1, 3, 1200};
-				// soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.2, "begin2", 0.2, "begin3", 0.2, "begin4", 0.2, "begin5", 0.2};
-			};
-			recoil = "recoil_empty";
-			//reloadtime = 1;
-			reloadTime = 0.03;
-			dispersion = 0.0015;
-			autoFire=1;
-			burst = 1;
-			aiRateOfFire = 7;
-			aiRateOfFireDistance = 600;
-			minRange = 10;
-			minRangeProbab = 0.3;
-			midRange = 400;
-			midRangeProbab = 0.8;
-			maxRange = 600;
-			maxRangeProbab = 0.1;
-		};
-	};*/