@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Needlessly Complex Lazy Macros
+Because copy paste 27 times is too hard.
+## How to use
+Add to bottom of `_squad_specific_armor.hpp`:
+SQD_SPECIFIC_UNIFORM_COMPANY_CLASSDEF(501_inf,strooper,INF ARMR 04,Senior Trooper);
+SQD_SPECIFIC_UNIFORM_COMPANY_CLASSDEF(501_inf_medic,strooper,INF MED ARMR 03,Senior Trooper);
+SQD_SPECIFIC_UNIFORM_COMPANY_CLASSDEF(501_inf_rto,strooper,INF RTO ARMR 03,Senior Trooper);
+SQD_SPECIFIC_UNIFORM_COMPANY_CLASSDEF(501_inf,vtrooper,INF ARMR 05,Veteran Trooper);
+SQD_SPECIFIC_UNIFORM_COMPANY_CLASSDEF(501_inf_medic,vtrooper,INF MED ARMR 04,Veteran Trooper);
+SQD_SPECIFIC_UNIFORM_COMPANY_CLASSDEF(501_inf_rto,vtrooper,INF RTO ARMR 04,Veteran Trooper);
+Then compile it somehow. I just use VS extension with the builtin preprocessor extension for sqf. Works mostly. Copy result where you need it.
+If you can't do this idk its pretty useless. Maybe copy and rewrite all the macros from `rd501_main` and make them use nested concat calls instead of ## since that seems to break ungodly macro chains. See the original macro file for example of bad. (remember kids write tools not macros)
+Remember to unplug your pc when binarizing files so your macro heresy doesn't end up in production code.