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Merge pull request #101 from 501st-Aux-Mod-Team/tcw_laat

Import and adjust tcw laats
Erliens 4 years ago

+ 2 - 4
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/ball_turret_weapons.hpp

@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
-    "Laserdesignator_pilotCamera",
-    macro_new_weapon(turret,laat_ball_turret)
+    macro_new_weapon(turret,laat_ball_turret),
+	"Laserdesignator_pilotCamera"

+ 0 - 0
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/common_stuff.hpp → addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/common_stuff_swop.hpp

+ 324 - 0
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/common_stuff_tcw.hpp

@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+class EventHandlers : DefaultEventhandlers
+	fired = "_this call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_effectFired');_this execVM '\3AS\3as_Laat\LAATI\scripts\fired_laser.sqf';";
+	init = "[_this select 0] execVM 'RD501_Main\functions\autocrate\autocrate.sqf';";
+forceInGarage = 1;
+faction = macro_republic_faction
+editorSubcategory = macro_editor_cat_air(Republic_heli)
+vehicleClass = macro_editor_vehicle_type_air(Republic)
+weapons[] = {
+	macro_new_weapon(generic,blue_dual_aircraft_laser),
+	macro_new_weapon(wynd,lgm),
+	macro_new_weapon(wynd,a2a),
+	macro_new_weapon(wynd,agm),
+	macro_basic_air_weapons,
+	"SmokeLauncher",
+	macro_new_weapon(cannon,laat)
+magazines[] = {
+	macro_basic_air_mags,
+	macro_new_mag(generic_aircraft_gun_dual_blue,1000),
+	macro_new_mag(a2a,4),
+	macro_new_mag(agm,6),
+	macro_new_mag(agm,6),
+	macro_new_mag(lgm,4),
+	"SmokeLauncherMag",
+	"SmokeLauncherMag",
+	"SmokeLauncherMag",
+	"SmokeLauncherMag",
+	macro_new_mag(laat_cannon,100),
+class pilotCamera
+	class OpticsIn
+	{
+		class Wide
+		{
+			opticsDisplayName="WFOV";
+			initAngleX=0;
+			minAngleX=-10;
+			maxAngleX=90;
+			initAngleY=0;
+			minAngleY=-90;
+			maxAngleY=90;
+			initFov=0.425;//"(30 / 120)";
+			minFov=0.425;//"(30 / 120)";
+			maxFov=0.425;//"(30 / 120)";
+			directionStabilized=1;
+			thermalMode[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5};
+			visionMode[]=
+			{
+				"Normal",
+					"NVG",
+					"Ti"
+			};
+			gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_wide_F.p3d";
+			opticsPPEffects[]=
+			{
+				"OpticsCHAbera2",
+					"OpticsBlur2"
+			};
+		};
+		class zoomx4: Wide
+		{
+			opticsDisplayName="NFOV";
+			initFov="(0.425/4)";//"(3.75 / 120)";
+			minFov="(0.425/4)";//"(3.75 / 120)";
+			maxFov="(0.425/4)";//"(3.75 / 120)";
+			gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
+		};
+		class zoomX8: Wide
+		{
+			opticsDisplayName="NFOV";
+			initFov="(0.42/8)";//"(.375 / 120)";
+			minFov="(0.42/8)";//"(.375 / 120)";
+			maxFov="(0.42/8)";//"(.375 / 120)";
+			gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
+		};
+		class zoomX20: Wide
+		{
+			opticsDisplayName="NFOV";
+			initFov="(0.42/20)";//"(.375 / 120)";
+			minFov="(0.42/20)";//"(.375 / 120)";
+			maxFov="(0.42/20)";//"(.375 / 120)";
+			gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
+		};
+		class zoomX50: Wide
+		{
+			opticsDisplayName="NFOV";
+			initFov="(0.42/50)";//"(.375 / 120)";
+			minFov="(0.42/50)";//"(.375 / 120)";
+			maxFov="(0.42/50)";//"(.375 / 120)";
+			gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
+		};
+		class zoomX70: Wide
+		{
+			opticsDisplayName="NFOV";
+			initFov="(0.42/70)";//"(.375 / 120)";
+			minFov="(0.42/70)";//"(.375 / 120)";
+			maxFov="(0.42/70)";//"(.375 / 120)";
+			gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
+		};
+		showMiniMapInOptics=1;
+		showUAVViewInOptics=0;
+		showSlingLoadManagerInOptics=1;
+	};
+	minTurn=-180;
+	maxTurn=180;
+	initTurn=0;
+	minElev=-10;
+	maxElev=90;
+	initElev=-10;
+	maxXRotSpeed=0.30000001;
+	maxYRotSpeed=0.30000001;
+	pilotOpticsShowCursor=1;
+	controllable=1;
+class TransportWeapons
+	class _transport_dc15a
+	{
+		weapon = macro_new_weapon(DC,15a)
+		count = 5;
+	};
+	class _transport_dc15s
+	{
+		weapon = macro_new_weapon(DC,r15s)
+		count = 5;
+	};
+	class _transport_dc15c
+	{
+		weapon = macro_new_weapon(DC,15c)
+		count = 5;
+	};
+	class _transport_dc15l
+	{
+		weapon = macro_new_weapon(DC,15l)
+		count = 2;
+	};
+	class _transport_z6
+	{
+		weapon = macro_new_weapon_nofam(rz6)
+		count = 2;
+	};
+	class _transport_dc15gl
+	{
+		weapon = macro_new_weapon(DC,15gl)
+		count = 2;
+	};
+	class _transport_valken38x
+	{
+		weapon = macro_new_weapon_nofam(valken38x)
+		count = 2;
+	};
+	class _transport_rps6
+	{
+		weapon = macro_new_weapon(launcher,rps6)
+		count = 2;
+	};
+	class _transport_rps1
+	{
+		weapon = macro_new_weapon(launcher,rps1)
+		count = 2;
+	};
+	class _transport_plx
+	{
+		weapon = macro_new_weapon(Launcher,PLX1)
+		count = 1;
+	};
+	class _transport_z1000
+	{
+		weapon = macro_new_weapon_nofam(z1000)
+		count = 1;
+	};
+	class _transport_dc15x
+	{
+		weapon = macro_new_weapon(DC,r15x)
+		count = 1;
+	};
+	class _transport_rgl6
+	{
+		weapon = macro_new_weapon_nofam(rgl6)
+		count = 1;
+	};
+class TransportMagazines
+	class transport_2mw30
+	{
+		magazine = macro_new_mag(2mw,30);
+		count = 15;
+	};
+	class transport_5mw15
+	{
+		magazine = macro_new_mag(5mw,10);
+		count = 15;
+	};
+	class transport_5mw60
+	{
+		magazine = 	macro_new_mag(5mw,60)
+		count = 60;
+	};
+	class transport_10mw30
+	{
+		magazine = macro_new_mag(10mw,30);
+		count = 60;
+	};
+	class transport_10mw400
+	{
+		magazine = macro_new_mag(10mw,400);
+		count = 15;
+	};
+	class _transport_20mw20
+	{
+		magazine = macro_new_mag(20mw,20);
+		count = 20;
+	};
+	class _transport_20mwup20
+	{
+		magazine =  macro_new_mag(20mwup,20);
+		count = 40;
+	};
+	class _transport_20mwdp20
+	{
+		magazine = macro_new_mag(20mwdp,20);
+		count = 40;
+	};
+	class _transport_20mw240
+	{
+		magazine = macro_new_mag(20mw,240);
+		count = 20;
+	};
+	class _transport_30mw10
+	{
+		magazine = macro_new_mag(30mw,10);
+		count = 15;
+	}
+	class _transport_30mw7
+	{
+		magazine = macro_new_mag(30mw,7)
+		count = 15;
+	};
+	class _transport_40mw5
+	{
+		magazine = macro_new_mag(40mw,5)
+		count = 10;
+	};
+	class _transport_stun5
+	{
+		magazine =  macro_new_mag(stun,5)
+		count = 20;
+	};
+	class _transport_launcher_AT_mags
+	{
+		magazine =  macro_new_mag(RPS_AT,1)
+		count = 20;
+	};
+	class _transport_launcher_AA_mags
+	{
+		magazine =  macro_new_mag(RPS_AA,1)
+		count = 20;
+	};
+	class _transport_he3
+	{
+		magazine = macro_new_mag(UGL_HE,3);
+		count = 15;
+	};
+	class _transport_ap2
+	{
+		magazine = macro_new_mag(UGL_AP,2);
+		count = 15;
+	};
+	class _transport_emp1
+	{
+		magazine = macro_new_mag(UGL_EMP,1);
+		count = 3;
+	};
+	class _transport_HuntIR_M203
+	{
+		magazine = "ACE_HuntIR_M203";
+		count = 15;
+	};
+	class _transport_C12_Remote_Mag
+	{
+		magazine = "C12_Remote_Mag";
+		count = 2;
+	};
+class TransportItems
+	class _xx_SW_SquadShield_Mag
+	{
+		name = "SW_SquadShield_Mag";
+		count = 2;
+	};
+	class _xx_ACE_HuntIR_monitor
+	{
+		name = "ACE_HuntIR_monitor";
+		count = 1;
+	};

+ 162 - 3
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/config.cpp

@@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ class CfgPatches
+			macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk1),
+			macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk1_lights),
+			macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk2),
+			macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk2_lights),
@@ -66,9 +72,162 @@ class CfgPatches
 class DefaultEventhandlers; 
 class CfgVehicles
 	#include "inheritance.hpp"
+	class macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk1):3as_LAAT_Mk1
+	{
+		displayName="LAAT/I MK.I";
+		transportSoldier=28;
+		#include "common_stuff_tcw.hpp"
+		RD501_magclamp_small_1[] = {0.0,1.0,-1.0};
+		class UserActions: UserActions
+		{
+			#include "user_action.hpp"
+		};
+		hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
+		{
+			"RD501_Vehicles\textures\LAAT\laat_wings_doors_basecolor.paa",
+			"RD501_Vehicles\textures\LAAT\laat_base_basecolor.paa"
+		};
+		class Turrets: Turrets
+		{
+			class Gunner: Copilot
+			{
+				minelev=-60;
+				minturn=-240;
+				maxelev=40;
+				maxturn=-120;
+			};
+			class LeftDoorgun: LeftDoorgun
+			{
+				#include "ball_turret_weapons.hpp"
+			};
+			class RightDoorGun: RightDoorGun
+			{
+				#include "ball_turret_weapons.hpp"
+			};
+			class CargoTurret_01: CargoTurret_01{};
+			class CargoTurret_02: CargoTurret_02{};
+			class CargoTurret_03: CargoTurret_03{};
+			class CargoTurret_04: CargoTurret_04{};
+			class CargoTurret_05: CargoTurret_05{};
+			class CargoTurret_06: CargoTurret_06{};
+		};
+	};
+	class macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk1_lights):3as_LAAT_Mk3
+	{
+		displayName="LAAT/I MK.I (Lights)";
+		transportSoldier=28;
+		#include "common_stuff_tcw.hpp"
+		RD501_magclamp_small_1[] = {0.0,1.0,-1.0};
+		class UserActions: UserActions
+		{
+			#include "user_action.hpp"
+		};
+		hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
+		{
+			"RD501_Vehicles\textures\LAAT\laat_wings_doors_basecolor.paa",
+			"RD501_Vehicles\textures\LAAT\laat_base_basecolor.paa"
+		};
+		class Turrets: Turrets
+		{
+			class Gunner: Copilot
+			{
+				minelev=-60;
+				minturn=-240;
+				maxelev=40;
+				maxturn=-120;
+			};
+			class CargoTurret_01: CargoTurret_01{};
+			class CargoTurret_02: CargoTurret_02{};
+			class CargoTurret_03: CargoTurret_03{};
+			class CargoTurret_04: CargoTurret_04{};
+			class CargoTurret_05: CargoTurret_05{};
+			class CargoTurret_06: CargoTurret_06{};
+		};
+	};
+	class macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk2):3as_LAAT_Mk2
+	{
+		displayName="LAAT/I MK.II";
+		transportSoldier=28;
+		#include "common_stuff_tcw.hpp"
+		RD501_magclamp_small_1[] = {0.0,1.0,-1.0};
+		class UserActions: UserActions
+		{
+		#include "user_action.hpp"
+		};
+		hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
+		{
+			"RD501_Vehicles\textures\LAAT\laat_wings_doors_basecolor.paa",
+			"RD501_Vehicles\textures\LAAT\laat_base_basecolor.paa"
+		};
+		class Turrets: Turrets
+		{
+			class Gunner: Copilot
+			{
+				minelev=-60;
+				minturn=-240;
+				maxelev=40;
+				maxturn=-120;
+			};
+			class CargoTurret_01: CargoTurret_01{};
+			class CargoTurret_02: CargoTurret_02{};
+		};
+	};
+	class macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk2_lights):3as_LAAT_Mk2Lights
+	{
+		displayName="LAAT/I MK.II (Lights)";
+		transportSoldier=28;
+		#include "common_stuff_tcw.hpp"
+		RD501_magclamp_small_1[] = {0.0,1.0,-1.0};
+		class UserActions: UserActions
+		{
+			#include "user_action.hpp"
+		};
+		hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
+		{
+			"RD501_Vehicles\textures\LAAT\laat_wings_doors_basecolor.paa",
+			"RD501_Vehicles\textures\LAAT\laat_base_basecolor.paa"
+		};
+		class Turrets: Turrets
+		{
+			class Gunner: Copilot
+			{
+				minelev=-60;
+				minturn=-240;
+				maxelev=40;
+				maxturn=-120;
+			};
+			class CargoTurret_01: CargoTurret_01{};
+			class CargoTurret_02: CargoTurret_02{};
+		};
+	};
 	class macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk3):swop_LAAT
@@ -85,7 +244,7 @@ class CfgVehicles
 		//typing hard
 		#include "ace_stuff.hpp"
 		#include "flight_model.hpp"
-		#include "common_stuff.hpp"
+		#include "common_stuff_swop.hpp"
 		RD501_magclamp_small_1[] = {0.0,1.0,-4.5};
@@ -144,7 +303,7 @@ class CfgVehicles
 		//typing hard
 		#include "ace_stuff.hpp"
 		#include "flight_model.hpp"
-		#include "common_stuff.hpp"
+		#include "common_stuff_swop.hpp"
 		RD501_magclamp_small_1[] = {0.0,-2.0,-2.5};

+ 72 - 0
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/inheritance.hpp

@@ -1,3 +1,75 @@
+class B_Heli_Attack_01_base_F;
+class 3as_laat_Base: B_Heli_Attack_01_base_F
+	class Turrets;
+class 3as_laatUnarmed_Base: 3as_laat_Base
+	class Turrets;
+class 3as_laatFloodLight_Base: 3as_laat_Base
+	class Turrets;
+class 3as_LAAT_Mk1: 3as_laat_Base
+	class UserActions;
+	class Turrets: Turrets
+	{
+		class Copilot;
+		class LeftDoorgun;
+		class RightDoorGun;
+		class CargoTurret_01;
+		class CargoTurret_02;
+		class CargoTurret_03;
+		class CargoTurret_04;
+		class CargoTurret_05;
+		class CargoTurret_06;
+	};
+class 3as_LAAT_Mk2: 3as_laatUnarmed_Base
+	class UserActions;
+	class Turrets: Turrets
+	{
+		class Copilot;
+		class CargoTurret_01;
+		class CargoTurret_02;
+	};
+class 3as_LAAT_Mk2Lights: 3as_laatFloodLight_Base
+	class UserActions;
+	class Turrets: Turrets
+	{
+		class Copilot;
+		class CargoTurret_01;
+		class CargoTurret_02;
+		class CargoTurret_03;
+		class CargoTurret_04;
+		class CargoTurret_05;
+		class CargoTurret_06;
+	};
+class 3as_LAAT_Mk3: 3as_laatFloodLight_Base
+	class UserActions;
+	class Turrets: Turrets
+	{
+		class Copilot;
+		class CargoTurret_01;
+		class CargoTurret_02;
+		class CargoTurret_03;
+		class CargoTurret_04;
+		class CargoTurret_05;
+		class CargoTurret_06;
+	};
 class Helicopter_Base_F;
 class Helicopter_Base_H: Helicopter_Base_F

+ 0 - 5
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/user_action.hpp

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 	class ThrusterEngage
 		displayName = "<t color='#4C9900'>[Impulsor On]</t>";
@@ -11,7 +10,6 @@
 		onlyForPlayer = 1;
 		condition = "(!(this getvariable [""impulsorStatus"",false]) AND (player == driver this) AND (alive this) AND (speed this >10) )";
 		statement = "this execVM ""\LAAT\initTE.sqf""";
 	class ThrusterDisngage: ThrusterEngage
@@ -22,10 +20,8 @@
 		textToolTip = "<t color='#FF9933'>[RepulsorBrake On]</t>";
 		condition = "((this getvariable [""impulsorStatus"",false]) AND (player == driver this) AND (alive this))";
 		statement = "this execVM ""\LAAT\initTD.sqf""";
 	class ThrusterEngage_spam: ThrusterEngage
 		displayName = "";
@@ -41,7 +37,6 @@
 	class ThrusterDisngage_spam: ThrusterEngage
 		priority = 0;

addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/textures/LAAT/laat_base_basecolor.paa

addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/textures/LAAT/laat_wings_doors_basecolor.paa