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B2 final, ARC170 fixes, smoke changes

Erliens 3 years ago

+ 2 - 2
addons - Copy/RD501_Droids/droid_macros.hpp

@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
 #define macro_thermal_det "442_thermal_det_mag"
 #define macro_thermal_imp "442_thermal_det_mag"
 #define macro_smoke "swop_SmokeShell"
-#define macro_flashbang "swop_mag_flashbang"
-#define macro_dioxis_grenade "SWOP_SCAR_DioxisGM"
+#define macro_flashbang "ACE_M84"
+#define macro_dioxis_grenade "RD501_dioxis_x1_mag"
 #define macro_zip_tie "ACE_CableTie"

+ 6 - 6
addons - Copy/RD501_Particle_Effects/config.cpp

@@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ class CfgCloudlets
-		moveVelocity[]={0.2,0.1,0.4};
+		moveVelocity[]={0.2,0.2,0};
-		weight=1.227;
+		weight=1.26;
-		rubbing=0.025;
+		rubbing=0.05;
 		size[]={0.5, 8, 12, 15};
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ class CfgCloudlets
-		MoveVelocityVar[]={0.25,0.25,0.25};
+		MoveVelocityVar[]={1.2,0.34999999,1.2};
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ class CfgCloudlets
 	class RD501_Dioxis:RD501_SuperSmoke
-		moveVelocity[]={0.2,0.1,0.1};
-		size[]={0.4, 3, 9};
+		moveVelocity[]={0.2,0.3,0};
+		size[]={0.4, 5, 12};
 		damageType="Fire";					// damage type, only available option is "Fire" so far
 		coreIntensity = 5;			    	// damage coeficient in the center of fire
 		coreDistance = 5.0;					// how far can unit get damage

+ 3 - 233
addons - Copy/RD501_Units/opfor/B2/config.cpp

@@ -19,9 +19,8 @@ class CfgPatches
-			macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Standard),
-			macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Standard_mk2)
+			macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Standard)
@@ -43,218 +42,8 @@ class Extended_Init_EventHandlers
 class CfgVehicles
-	class SWOP_B2_superdroid;
 	class O_Soldier_F;
-	class macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Standard): SWOP_B2_superdroid
-	{
-		faction=macro_cis_faction
-		editorSubcategory=macro_editor_cat(B2)
-		displayname = "B2";
-		scope=2;
-		class HitPoints
-		{
-			class HitFace
-			{
-				armor=6;
-				material=-1;
-				name="face_hub";
-				passThrough=0.013;
-				radius=0.079999998;
-				explosionShielding=1;
-				minimalHit=0.0099999998;
-			};
-			class HitNeck: HitFace
-			{
-				armor=6;
-				material=-1;
-				name="neck";
-				passThrough=0.013;
-				radius=0.1;
-				explosionShielding=1;
-				minimalHit=0.0099999998;
-			};
-			class HitHead: HitNeck
-			{
-				armor=6;
-				material=-1;
-				name="head";
-				passThrough=0.13;
-				radius=0.2;
-				explosionShielding=1;
-				minimalHit=0.0099999998;
-				depends="HitFace max HitNeck";
-			};
-			class HitPelvis: HitHead
-			{
-				armor=8;
-				material=-1;
-				name="pelvis";
-				passThrough=0.44;
-				radius=0.23999999;
-				explosionShielding=1;
-				visual="injury_body";
-				minimalHit=0.0099999998;
-				depends="0";
-			};
-			class HitAbdomen: HitPelvis
-			{
-				armor=8;
-				material=-1;
-				name="spine1";
-				passThrough=0.44;
-				radius=0.16;
-				explosionShielding=1;
-				visual="injury_body";
-				minimalHit=0.0099999998;
-			};
-			class HitDiaphragm: HitAbdomen
-			{
-				armor=8;
-				material=-1;
-				name="spine2";
-				passThrough=0.44;
-				radius=0.18000001;
-				explosionShielding=1.5;
-				visual="injury_body";
-				minimalHit=0.0099999998;
-			};
-			class HitChest: HitDiaphragm
-			{
-				armor=8;
-				material=-1;
-				name="spine3";
-				passThrough=0.44;
-				radius=0.18000001;
-				explosionShielding=1.5;
-				visual="injury_body";
-				minimalHit=0.0099999998;
-			};
-			class HitBody: HitChest
-			{
-				armor=1000;
-				material=-1;
-				name="body";
-				passThrough=1;
-				radius=0;
-				explosionShielding=1.5;
-				visual="injury_body";
-				minimalHit=0.0099999998;
-				depends="HitPelvis max HitAbdomen max HitDiaphragm max HitChest";
-			};
-			class HitArms: HitBody
-			{
-				armor=6;
-				material=-1;
-				name="arms";			
-				passThrough=0.13;
-				radius=0.1;
-				explosionShielding=0.4;
-				visual="injury_hands";
-				minimalHit=0.0099999998;
-				depends="0";
-			};
-			class HitRightHand :HitArms
-			{
-				armor = 8;
-				explosionShielding = 0.25;
-				material = -1;
-				minimalHit = 0.01;
-				name = "hand_r";
-				passThrough = 0.1;
-				radius = 0.1;
-				visual = "injury_hands";
-			};
-			class HitLeftHand :HitArms
-			{
-				armor = 8;
-				explosionShielding = 0.25;
-				material = -1;
-				minimalHit = 0.01;
-				name = "hand_l";
-				passThrough = 0.1;
-				radius = 0.1;
-				visual = "injury_hands";
-			};
-			class HitHands: HitArms
-			{
-				armor=6;
-				material=-1;
-				name="hands";
-				passThrough=0.13;
-				radius=0.1;
-				explosionShielding=0.30000001;
-				visual="injury_hands";
-				minimalHit=0.0099999998;
-				depends="HitArms";
-			};
-			class HitLegs: HitHands
-			{
-				armor=6;
-				material=-1;
-				name="legs";
-				passThrough=0.13;
-				radius=0.1;
-				explosionShielding=0.30000001;
-				visual="injury_legs";
-				minimalHit=0.0099999998;
-				depends="0";
-			};
-			class HitLeftLeg :HitLegs
-			{
-				armor = 8;
-				explosionShielding = 0.25;
-				material = -1;
-				minimalHit = 0.01;
-				name = "leg_l";
-				passThrough = 0.1;
-				radius = 0.1;
-				visual = "injury_legs";
-			};
-			class HitRightLeg :HitLegs
-			{
-				armor = 8;
-				explosionShielding = 0.25;
-				material = -1;
-				minimalHit = 0.01;
-				name = "leg_r";
-				passThrough = 0.1;
-				radius = 0.1;
-				visual = "injury_leg";
-			};
-			class Incapacitated: HitLegs
-			{
-				armor=1000;
-				material=-1;
-				name="body";
-				passThrough=1;
-				radius=0;
-				explosionShielding=1;
-				visual="";
-				minimalHit=0;
-				depends="(((Total - 0.25) max 0) + ((HitHead - 0.25) max 0) + ((HitBody - 0.25) max 0)) * 2";
-			};
-		};
-		armor=15;
-		armorStructural=1;
-		explosionShielding=0.40000001;
-		uniformClass=macro_new_uniform_class(opfor,B2_Armor)
-		class EventHandlers;
-		hiddenSelections[]=
-		{
-			"Camo1","Camo2","Camo3"
-		};
-		hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
-		{
-        "RD501_Units\textures\CIS\B2\rocket\Reskinb2_chest.paa",
-        "RD501_Units\textures\CIS\B2\rocket\ReskinB2_waist.paa",
-        "RD501_Units\textures\CIS\B2\rocket\ReskinB2_legs.paa"
-		};
-		respawnWeapons[] = {"SWOP_B2gun","Throw","Put"};
-        magazines[] = {"SWOP_b2gun_Mag","SWOP_b2gun_Mag","SWOP_b2gun_Mag","SWOP_b2gun_Mag"};
-        weapons[] = {"SWOP_B2gun","Throw","Put"};
-        linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","NVGoggles"};
-	};
-class macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Standard_mk2): O_Soldier_F
+class macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Standard): O_Soldier_F
@@ -670,26 +459,7 @@ class macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Standard_mk2): O_Soldier_F
 class CfgWeapons
 	class DefaultEventhandlers;
-	class SWOP_B2_superdroid_F_Spec;
 	class UniformItem;
-	class macro_new_uniform_class(opfor,B2_Armor): SWOP_B2_superdroid_F_Spec
-	{
-		scope=2;
-		displayName="RD501 B2";
-		picture = "\SWOP_droids\data\ico\B2ico.paa"
-		model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver";
-		class ItemInfo: UniformItem
-		{
-			uniformModel="-";
-			uniformClass=macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Standard)
-			containerClass="Supply40";
-			mass=80;
-		};
-		JLTS_isDroid = 1; 
-		JLTS_hasEMPProtection = 0; 
-		JLTS_deathSounds = "DeathDroid";
-		class EventHandlers : DefaultEventhandlers {};
-	};
 	class macro_new_uniform_class(opfor,B2_Armor_mk2): UniformItem
@@ -708,7 +478,7 @@ class CfgWeapons
 		JLTS_deathSounds = "DeathDroid";
 		class EventHandlers : DefaultEventhandlers {};
-	class macro_new_uniform_class(opfor,B2_SuperArmor): SWOP_B2_superdroid_F_Spec
+	class macro_new_uniform_class(opfor,B2_SuperArmor): UniformItem
 		displayName="RD501 Super B2";

+ 17 - 0
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/212th_legacy_patches/config.cpp

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include "../../RD501_main/config_macros.hpp"
+class CfgPatches
+	class macro_patch_name(v_wing)
+	{
+		addonRootClass=macro_patch_name(vehicles)
+		requiredAddons[]=
+		{
+			macro_patch_name(vehicles)
+		};
+		requiredVersion=0.1;
+		units[]=
+		{
+		};
+		weapons[]={};
+	};

+ 5 - 1
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/ARC_170X/arc170_common.hpp

@@ -26,7 +26,11 @@ magazines[]=
+class Turrets: Turrets
+	class LaserPilot:LaserPilot{};
+	class Reargun:Reargun{};
 class Components: Components
 	class TransportPylonsComponent

+ 53 - 25
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/ARC_170X/arc170_inheritance.hpp

@@ -1,48 +1,76 @@
-class 3as_arc_170_base;
-class Turrets;
-/*class 3as_arc_170_razor: 3as_arc_170_base
-	class Components;
-	class Turrets: Turrets
+	class Air;
+	class Plane: Air
-		class LaserPilot;
-		class Reargun;
+		class NewTurret;
+		class ViewPilot;
+		class HitPoints
+		{
+			class HitHull;
+		};
-class 3as_arc_170_blue: 3as_arc_170_base
+	class Plane_Base_F: Plane
+	{
+		class AnimationSources;
+		class Components;
+	};
+	class Plane_Fighter_03_base_F: Plane_Base_F
+	{
+		class Turrets
+		{
+			class MainTurret;
+		};
+	};
+	class Plane_Fighter_03_dynamicLoadout_base_F: Plane_Fighter_03_base_F
+	{
+		class Turrets: Turrets
+		{
+			class MainTurret: MainTurret
+			{
+			};
+		};
+		class Components: Components
+		{
+			class TransportPylonsComponent
+			{
+				class Pylons;
+				class Presets;
+			};
+		};
+	};
+class 3as_arc_170_base:Plane_Fighter_03_dynamicLoadout_base_F
-	class Components;
 	class Turrets: Turrets
-		class LaserPilot;
-		class Reargun;
+		class LaserPilot:NewTurret{};
+		class Reargun:NewTurret{};
-class 3as_arc_170_green: 3as_arc_170_blue
+/*class 3as_arc_170_razor: 3as_arc_170_base
-	class Components:Components{};
+	class Components;
 	class Turrets: Turrets
 		class LaserPilot;
 		class Reargun;
-class 3as_arc_170_Orange: 3as_arc_170_blue
+class NewTurret;
+class 3as_arc_170_blue: 3as_arc_170_base
-	class Components:Components{};
+	class Components;
 	class Turrets: Turrets
-		class LaserPilot;
-		class Reargun;
+		class LaserPilot:LaserPilot{};
+		class Reargun:Reargun{};
-class 3as_arc_170_yellow: 3as_arc_170_blue
+class 3as_arc_170_razor: 3as_arc_170_blue
 	class Components:Components{};
 	class Turrets: Turrets
-		class LaserPilot;
-		class Reargun;
+		class LaserPilot:LaserPilot{};
+		class Reargun:Reargun{};
 class 3as_arc_170_red: 3as_arc_170_blue
@@ -50,7 +78,7 @@ class 3as_arc_170_red: 3as_arc_170_blue
 	class Components:Components{};
 	class Turrets: Turrets
-		class LaserPilot;
-		class Reargun;
+		class LaserPilot:LaserPilot{};
+		class Reargun:Reargun{};

+ 1 - 22
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/ARC_170X/config.cpp

@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ class CfgPatches
-			macro_new_vehicle(arc_170,green),
-			macro_new_vehicle(arc_170,orange),
-			macro_new_vehicle(arc_170,yellow),
@@ -26,36 +23,18 @@ class CfgVehicles
 	#include "arc170_inheritance.hpp"
-	/*class macro_new_vehicle(arc_170,razor): 3as_arc_170_razor
-	{
-		displayName="ARC-170 (Razor)";
-		#include "../../common/universal_mfd.hpp"
-		#include "arc170_common.hpp"
-	};*/
 	class macro_new_vehicle(arc_170,blue): 3as_arc_170_blue
 		displayName="ARC-170 (Blue)";
 		#include "../../common/universal_mfd.hpp"
 		#include "arc170_common.hpp"
-	class macro_new_vehicle(arc_170,green): 3as_arc_170_green
+	class macro_new_vehicle(arc_170,razor): 3as_arc_170_razor
 		displayName="ARC-170 (Green)";
 		#include "../../common/universal_mfd.hpp"
 		#include "arc170_common.hpp"
-	class macro_new_vehicle(arc_170,orange): 3as_arc_170_Orange
-	{
-		displayName="ARC-170 (Orange)";
-		#include "../../common/universal_mfd.hpp"
-		#include "arc170_common.hpp"
-	};
-	class macro_new_vehicle(arc_170,yellow): 3as_arc_170_yellow
-	{
-		displayName="ARC-170 (Yellow)";
-		#include "../../common/universal_mfd.hpp"
-		#include "arc170_common.hpp"
-	};
 	class macro_new_vehicle(arc_170,red): 3as_arc_170_red
 		displayName="ARC-170 (Red)";

+ 0 - 324
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/ETA/config.cpp

@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-//Get this addons macro
-//get the macro for the air subaddon
-//get generlized macros
-#include "../../../RD501_main/config_macros.hpp"
-//General name of the vehicle
-#define vehicle_addon ETA
-#define patch_name MODNAME##vehicle_addon##_Patches
-#define vehicle_classname MODNAME##_##vehicle_addon
-#define new_eta_class(name) vehicle_classname##_##name
-class CfgPatches
-	class macro_patch_name(ETA)
-	{
-		addonRootClass=macro_patch_name(vehicles)
-		requiredAddons[]=
-		{
-			macro_patch_name(vehicles)
-		};
-		requiredVersion=0.1;
-		units[]=
-		{
-			macro_new_vehicle(eta,lime_Mk2),
-			macro_new_vehicle(eta,green_Mk2),
-			macro_new_vehicle(eta,red_Mk2),
-			macro_new_vehicle(eta,yellow_Mk2),
-			macro_new_vehicle(eta,blue_Mk2),
-			macro_new_vehicle(eta,grey_Mk2),
-			macro_new_vehicle(eta,white_Mk2),
-			macro_new_vehicle(eta,orange_Mk2),
-			macro_new_vehicle(eta,venom_Mk2)
-		};
-		weapons[]=
-		{
-		};
-	};
-#include "../../common/sensor_templates.hpp"
-class CfgVehicles
-	class Plane_Base_F;
-	class swop_eta2:Plane_Base_F
-	{
-		class ACE_SelfActions;
-	};
-	class macro_new_vehicle(eta,lime_Mk2): swop_eta2
-	{
-		side=1;
-		scope=2;
-		scopeCurator=2;
-		displayName = "ETA-3 (Lime) Mk.II";
-		forceInGarage = 1;
-		//dmg stuff
-		vtol = 4;
-		ballisticsComputer = 1+8;
-		airBrakeFrictionCoef = 80.4;
-		armor = 200;
-		scope = 2;
-	    altFullForce = 6000;
-	    altNoForce = 9000;
-		draconicTorqueXCoef = 0;//
-		faction = macro_republic_faction
-		editorSubcategory = macro_editor_cat_air(Republic_vtol)
-		vehicleClass = macro_editor_vehicle_type_air(Republic)
-		gearsUpFrictionCoef = 25;
-		class EventHandlers{};
-		class UserActions
-		{
-			class AfterburnerOff
-			{
-				condition = "(this getVariable ['AfterBurnereta',false])";
-				displayName = "<t color='#FF9933'>[Afterburner Off]</t>";
-				displayNameDefault = "";
-				onlyforplayer = 1;
-				position = "pilotview";
-				priority = 1e+011;
-				radius = 10;
-				shortcut = "";
-				statement = "this setVariable ['AfterBurnereta',false,true]";
-			};
-			class AfterburnerOn
-			{
-				condition = "speed this >50 and (!(this getVariable ['AfterBurnereta',false]))";
-				displayName = "<t color='#4C9900'>[Afterburner On]</t>";
-				displayNameDefault = "";
-				onlyforplayer = 1;
-				position = "pilotview";
-				priority = 1e+011;
-				radius = 10;
-				shortcut = "";
-				statement = "this setVariable ['AfterBurnereta',true,true];this spawn nes4day_afterburnereta";
-			};
-			class Close_S_Foil
-			{
-				condition = "this animationPhase ""wing_1_up_A"" == 1 and this animationPhase ""wing_2_up_A"" == 1 and this animationPhase ""wing_1_down_A"" == 1 and this animationPhase ""wing_2_down_A"" == 1";
-				displayName = "<t color='#FF9933'>[Close S-foils]</t>";
-				displayNameDefault = "";
-				hideonuse = 1;
-				onlyForPlayer = 1;
-				position = "pilotview";
-				priority = 1e+011;
-				radius = 2;
-				shortcut = "";
-				statement = "this animate [""wing_1_up_A"",0];this animate [""wing_2_up_A"",0];this animate [""wing_1_down_A"",0];this animate [""wing_2_down_A"",0]; this say3d ""eta_unfoldwing_sound""";
-			};
-			class Open_S_Foil
-			{
-				condition = "speed this >25 and this animationPhase ""wing_1_up_A"" == 0 and this animationPhase ""wing_2_up_A"" == 0 and this animationPhase ""wing_1_down_A"" == 0 and this animationPhase ""wing_2_down_A"" == 0";
-				displayName = "<t color='#4C9900'>[Open S-foils]</t>";
-				displayNameDefault = "";
-				hideonuse = 1;
-				onlyForPlayer = 1;
-				position = "pilotview";
-				priority = 1e+011;
-				radius = 2;
-				shortcut = "";
-				statement = "this animate [""wing_1_up_A"",1];this animate [""wing_2_up_A"",1];this animate [""wing_1_down_A"",1];this animate [""wing_2_down_A"",1]; this say3d ""eta_foldwing_sound""";
-			};
-			#include "../../common/universal_dmg_report.hpp"
-		};
-		class ACE_SelfActions:ACE_SelfActions
-		{
-			#include "../../common/universal_hud_color_changer.hpp"
-		};
-		#include "../../common/universal_mfd.hpp"
-		weapons[] = {
-			macro_new_weapon(wynd,a2a),
-			macro_new_weapon(wynd,agm),
-			macro_new_weapon(wynd,ugm),
-			macro_basic_air_weapons,
-			macro_new_weapon(generic,republic_aircraft_cannon)
-		};
-		magazines[] = {
-			macro_basic_air_mags,
-			macro_new_mag(generic_aircraft_cannon_green,1000),
-			macro_new_mag(generic_aircraft_cannon_green,1000),
-			macro_new_mag(a2a,4),
-			macro_new_mag(agm,6),
-			macro_new_mag(ugm,10)
-		};
-		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};
-		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"eta2\eta2main.rvmat","Delta7\Delta7astro.rvmat"};
-		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"eta2\t_yodasstarfighter_co.paa","eta2\t_yodasstarfighter_r2d2_co.paa"};
-		visualTarget = 1; 
-		visualTargetSize = 1;
-		reportOwnPosition = true;
-		radarTargetSize = 1;
-		radarTarget = 1;
-		nvTarget = 1;
-		laserTarget = 1;
-		laserScanner = 0;
-		irTarget = 1;
-		irTargetSize = 1;
-		countermeasureActivationRadius = 2000;
-		class pilotCamera
-		{
-			class OpticsIn
-			{
-				class Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName = "WFOV";
-					initAngleX = 0;
-					minAngleX = 0;
-					maxAngleX = 0;
-					initAngleY = 0;
-					minAngleY = 0;
-					maxAngleY = 0;
-					initFov=0.42;//"(30 / 120)";
-					minFov=0.42;//"(30 / 120)";
-					maxFov=0.42;//"(30 / 120)";
-					directionStabilized = 1;
-					visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG", "Ti"};
-					thermalMode[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5};
-					gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_wide_F.p3d";
-					opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera2", "OpticsBlur2"};
-				};
-				class Medium: Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName = "MFOV";
-					initFov="0.42/4";//"(30 / 120)";
-					minFov="0.42/4";//"(30 / 120)";
-					maxFov="0.42/4";//"(30 / 120)";
-					gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_medium_F.p3d";
-				};
-				class Narrow: Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName = "NFOV";
-					initFov="0.42/8";//"(30 / 120)";
-					minFov="0.42/8";//"(30 / 120)";
-					maxFov="0.42/8";//"(30 / 120)";
-					gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
-				};
-				class NarrowX16: Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName = "NFOV";
-					initFov="0.42/16";//"(30 / 120)";
-					minFov="0.42/16";//"(30 / 120)";
-					maxFov="0.42/16";//"(30 / 120)";
-					gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
-				};
-				class NarrowX24: Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName = "NFOV";
-					initFov="0.42/24";//"(30 / 120)";
-					minFov="0.42/24";//"(30 / 120)";
-					maxFov="0.42/24";//"(30 / 120)";
-					gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
-				};
-				class NarrowX36: Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName = "NFOV";
-					initFov="0.42/36";//"(30 / 120)";
-					minFov="0.42/36";//"(30 / 120)";
-					maxFov="0.42/36";//"(30 / 120)";
-					gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
-				};
-				class NarrowX48: Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName = "NFOV";
-					initFov="0.42/48";//"(30 / 120)";
-					minFov="0.42/48";//"(30 / 120)";
-					maxFov="0.42/48";//"(30 / 120)";
-					gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
-				};
-				class NarrowX60: Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName = "NFOV";
-					initFov="0.42/60";//"(30 / 120)";
-					minFov="0.42/60";//"(30 / 120)";
-					maxFov="0.42/60";//"(30 / 120)";
-					gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
-				};
-				class NarrowX80: Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName = "NFOV";
-					initFov="0.42/80";//"(30 / 120)";
-					minFov="0.42/80";//"(30 / 120)";
-					maxFov="0.42/80";//"(30 / 120)";
-					gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
-				};
-				class NarrowX100: Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName = "NFOV";
-					initFov="0.42/100";//"(30 / 120)";
-					minFov="0.42/100";//"(30 / 120)";
-					maxFov="0.42/100";//"(30 / 120)";
-					gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
-				};
-				showMiniMapInOptics = 1;
-				showUAVViewInOptics = 0;
-				showSlingLoadManagerInOptics = 0;
-			};
-			minTurn = -190;
-			maxTurn = 180;
-			initTurn = 0;
-			minElev = -10;
-			maxElev = 90;
-			initElev = 0;
-			maxXRotSpeed = 0.3;
-			maxYRotSpeed = 0.3;
-			pilotOpticsShowCursor = 1;
-			controllable = 1;
-		};
-	};
-	class macro_new_vehicle(eta,green_Mk2) : macro_new_vehicle(eta,lime_Mk2)
-	{
-		displayName = "ETA-3 (Green) Mk.II";
-		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"eta2\eta2_base_custom1_co.paa","eta2\t_yodasstarfighter_r2d2_co.paa"};
-	};
-	class macro_new_vehicle(eta,red_Mk2) : macro_new_vehicle(eta,lime_Mk2)
-	{
-		displayname = "ETA-3 (Red) Mk.II";
-		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"eta2\t_yodasstarfighter_OBI_co.paa","Delta7\tx_delta7_astromech_obi.paa"};
-	};
-	class macro_new_vehicle(eta,yellow_Mk2) : macro_new_vehicle(eta,lime_Mk2)
-	{
-		displayname = "ETA-3 (Yellow) Mk.II";
-		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"eta2\t_yodasstarfighter_ANAKIN_co.paa","Delta7\tx_delta7_astromech_r2.paa"};
-	};
-	class macro_new_vehicle(eta,blue_Mk2) : macro_new_vehicle(eta,lime_Mk2)
-	{
-		displayname = "ETA-3 (Blue) Mk.II";
-		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"eta2\Eta2_Main_custom3_Co.paa","eta2\Eta2_Droid_custom3_Co.paa"};
-	};
-	class macro_new_vehicle(eta,grey_Mk2) : macro_new_vehicle(eta,lime_Mk2)
-	{
-		displayname = "ETA-3 (Grey) Mk.II";
-		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"eta2\eta2_base_custom2_co.paa","eta2\t_yodasstarfighter_r2d2_co.paa"};
-	};
-	class macro_new_vehicle(eta,white_Mk2) : macro_new_vehicle(eta,lime_Mk2)
-	{
-		displayname = "ETA-3 (N-7) Mk.II";
-		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\RD501_Vehicles\textures\eta\eta2_main_normandy_co.paa","eta2\t_yodasstarfighter_r2d2_co.paa"};
-	};
-	class macro_new_vehicle(eta,orange_Mk2) : macro_new_vehicle(eta,lime_Mk2)
-	{
-		displayname = "ETA-3 (Orange) Mk.II";
-		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\RD501_Vehicles\textures\eta\eta2_main_orange_co.paa","eta2\t_yodasstarfighter_r2d2_co.paa"};
-	};
-	class macro_new_vehicle(eta,venom_Mk2) : macro_new_vehicle(eta,lime_Mk2)
-	{
-		displayname = "ETA-3 (Venom) Mk.II";
-		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\RD501_Vehicles\textures\eta\eta2_main_venom_co.paa","eta2\t_yodasstarfighter_r2d2_co.paa"};
-	};

+ 2 - 2
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/common_stuff_tcw.hpp

@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ RD501_magclamp_large_offset[]={0.0,1.6,-7.3};
 	cyclicAsideForceCoef = 4*1.2;
 	cyclicForwardForceCoef = 2*1.2;
-	fuelCapacity = 700;
-	fuelConsumptionRate = 0.2;
+	fuelCapacity = 2800;
+	fuelConsumptionRate = 0.8;
 ///dmg properties

+ 0 - 253
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/config.cpp

@@ -48,20 +48,6 @@ class CfgPatches
-			macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk3),
-			macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk4),
-			macro_new_vehicle(laat,mk4_skin),
-			macro_new_vehicle(laat,mk4_501st_cxc),
-			macro_new_vehicle(laat,mk4_501st_cxx),
-			macro_new_vehicle(laat,mk4_501st_cxp),
-			macro_new_vehicle(laat,mk4_501st_cxs),
-			macro_new_vehicle(laat,mk4_501st_cx),
-			macro_new_vehicle(laat,cargo_Mk2),
-			macro_new_vehicle(laat,spec_ops),
-			macro_new_vehicle(laat,muunilinst),
-			macro_new_vehicle(laat,blue)
@@ -251,237 +237,6 @@ class CfgVehicles
-	class macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk3):swop_LAAT
-	{
-		scope=2;
-		displayName="LAAT/I MK.III";
-		author="RD501"
-		side=1;
-		crew="SWOP_Clonetrooper_P1";
-		transportSoldier=24;
-		forceInGarage = 1;
-		crewExplosionProtection = 0;
-		crewCrashProtection = 0;
-		slingLoadMemoryPoint = "slingload0";
-		//typing hard
-		#include "ace_stuff.hpp"
-		#include "flight_model.hpp"
-		#include "common_stuff_swop.hpp"
-		RD501_magclamp_small_1[] = {0.0,1.0,-4.5};
-		class UserActions
-		{
-			class ThrusterEngage
-			{
-				displayName = "";
-				displayNameDefault = "";
-				textToolTip = "";
-				position = "pilotview";
-				radius = 20;
-				priority = 0;
-				onlyForPlayer = 1;
-				condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this))";
-				statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseIncrease.sqf""";
-				shortcut="User19"
-			};
-			class ThrusterDisengage: ThrusterEngage
-			{
-				priority = 0;
-				displayName = "";
-				displayNameDefault = "";
-				textToolTip = "";
-				condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this))";
-				statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseDecrease.sqf""";
-				shortcut="User20"
-			};
-		};
-		class ACE_SelfActions:ACE_SelfActions
-		{		
-			#include "../../common/universal_hud_color_changer.hpp"
-		};
-		#include "../../common/helicopter_mfd.hpp"	
-		//#include "../../common/universal_mfd.hpp"
-		class Turrets: Turrets
-		{
-			class CopilotTurret: CopilotTurret
-			{
-				#include "common_copilot.hpp"
-			};
-			class GunnerTurret1:GunnerTurret1
-			{
-				weapons[]=
-				{
-					macro_new_weapon(turret,laat_ball_turret),
-					"Laserdesignator_pilotCamera"
-				};
-				magazines[]=
-				{
-					"Laserbatteries",
-					macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
-					macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
-					macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200)
-				};
-			};
-			class GunnerTurret2:GunnerTurret2
-			{
-				weapons[]=
-				{
-					macro_new_weapon(turret,laat_ball_turret),
-					"Laserdesignator_pilotCamera"
-				};
-				magazines[]=
-				{
-					"Laserbatteries",
-					macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
-					macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
-					macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200)
-				};
-			};
-			class CargoTurret_01:CargoTurret_01{};
-			class CargoTurret_02:CargoTurret_02{};
-			class CargoTurret_03:CargoTurret_03{};
-			class CargoTurret_04:CargoTurret_04{};
-			class CargoTurret_05:CargoTurret_05{};
-			class CargoTurret_06:CargoTurret_06{};
-		};
-	};
-	class macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk4):swop_LAATmk2
-	{
-		scope=2;
-		displayName="LAAT/I MK.IV";
-		author="RD501"
-		side=1;
-		crew="SWOP_Clonetrooper_P1";
-		transportSoldier=24;
-		forceInGarage = 1;
-		crewExplosionProtection = 0;
-		crewCrashProtection = 0;
-		slingLoadMemoryPoint = "slingLoad0";
-		angleRangeHorizontal = 360;
-		angleRangeVertical = 360;
-		//typing hard
-		#include "ace_stuff.hpp"
-		#include "flight_model.hpp"
-		#include "common_stuff_swop.hpp"
-		RD501_magclamp_small_1[] = {0.0,-2.0,-2.5};
-		class UserActions
-		{
-			class ThrusterEngage
-			{
-				displayName = "";
-				displayNameDefault = "";
-				textToolTip = "";
-				position = "pilotview";
-				radius = 20;
-				priority = 0;
-				onlyForPlayer = 1;
-				condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this))";
-				statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseIncrease.sqf""";
-				shortcut="User19"
-			};
-			class ThrusterDisengage: ThrusterEngage
-			{
-				priority = 0;
-				displayName = "";
-				displayNameDefault = "";
-				textToolTip = "";
-				condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this))";
-				statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseDecrease.sqf""";
-				shortcut="User20"
-			};
-			class OpenCargoDoor
-			{
-				displayName = "<t color='#F64747'>[Open Doors]</t>";
-				displayNameDefault = "<t color='#F64747'>[Open Doors]</t>";
-				textToolTip = "<t color='#F64747'>[Open Doors]</t>";
-				position = "pilotview";
-				radius = 20;
-				priority = 9999;
-				onlyForPlayer = 1;
-				condition = "this doorPhase ""Doors"" < 0.5 AND (alive this) AND (player in [gunner this, driver this])";
-				statement = "this animateDoor ['Doors', 1];this animate ['DoorsHandler',1]";
-				animPeriod = 5;
-			};
-			class CloseCargoDoor: OpenCargoDoor
-			{
-				displayName = "<t color='#009FD4'>[Close Doors]</t>";
-				displayNameDefault = "<t color='#009FD4'>[Close Doors]</t>";
-				textToolTip = "<t color='#009FD4'>[Close Doors]</t>";
-				priority = 9999;
-				condition = "this doorPhase ""Doors"" > 0.5 AND (alive this) AND (player in [gunner this, driver this])";
-				statement = "this animateDoor ['Doors', 0];this animate ['DoorsHandler',0];";
-				animPeriod = 5;
-			};
-		};
-		class ACE_SelfActions:ACE_SelfActions
-		{		
-			#include "../../common/universal_hud_color_changer.hpp"
-		};
-		#include "../../common/helicopter_mfd.hpp"	
-		//#include "../../common/universal_mfd.hpp"
-		class Turrets: Turrets
-		{
-			class CopilotTurret: CopilotTurret
-			{
-				#include "common_copilot.hpp"
-			};
-			class GunnerTurret1:GunnerTurret1
-			{
-				weapons[]=
-				{
-					macro_new_weapon(turret,laat_ball_turret),
-					"Laserdesignator_pilotCamera"
-				};
-				magazines[]=
-				{
-					"Laserbatteries",
-					macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
-					macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
-					macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200)
-				};
-			};
-			class GunnerTurret2:GunnerTurret2
-			{
-				weapons[]=
-				{
-					macro_new_weapon(turret,laat_ball_turret),
-					"Laserdesignator_pilotCamera"
-				};
-				magazines[]=
-				{
-					"Laserbatteries",
-					macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
-					macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
-					macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200)
-				};
-			};
-		};
-	};
-	#include "_mk4_reskin.hpp"
 	class macro_new_vehicle(laat,cargo_Mk2):swop_LAAT_cargo
@@ -614,12 +369,4 @@ class CfgVehicles
 		//#include "flight_model.hpp"
-	//mk4 reskins (with swop skins)
-	reskined_laat_mk4_full_path(spec_ops,Spec Op,LAAT\textures\gunship_2_d.paa,LAAT\textures\gunship_1_spec.paa)
-	reskined_laat_mk4_full_path(muunilinst,Muunilinst,LAAT\textures\gunship_2_arc_d.paa,LAAT\textures\gunship_1_arc_d.paa)
-	reskined_laat_mk4_full_path(blue,Blue,LAAT\textures\gunship_2_blue.paa,LAAT\textures\gunship_1_blue.paa)

+ 0 - 405
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/V_Wing/config.cpp

@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-//Get this addons macro
-//get the macro for the air subaddon
-//get generlized macros
-#include "../../../RD501_main/config_macros.hpp"
-//General name of the vehicle
-#define vehicle_addon V_Wing
-#define patch_name MODNAME##vehicle_addon##_Patches
-#define vehicle_classname MODNAME##_##vehicle_addon
-#define new_v_wing_class(name) vehicle_classname##_##name
-class CfgPatches
-	class macro_patch_name(V_Wing)
-	{
-		addonRootClass=macro_patch_name(vehicles)
-		requiredAddons[]=
-		{
-			macro_patch_name(vehicles)
-		};
-		requiredVersion=0.1;
-		units[]=
-		{
-			macro_new_vehicle(v_wing,MKII)
-		};
-		weapons[]=
-		{
-		};
-	};
-#include "../../common/sensor_templates.hpp"
-class CfgVehicles
-	class Plane_Base_F;
-	class swop_Vwing:Plane_Base_F
-	{
-		class Components;
-		class ACE_SelfActions;
-	};
-	class macro_new_vehicle(v_wing,MKII):swop_Vwing
-	{
-		side=1;
-		scope=2;
-		scopeCurator=2;
-		displayName = "V-Wing Mk.II";
-		forceInGarage = 1;
-		//dmg stuff
-		armor=1925;
-		armorStructural = 1;
-		vtol = 4;
-		faction = macro_republic_faction
-		editorSubcategory = macro_editor_cat_air(Republic_vtol)
-		vehicleClass = macro_editor_vehicle_type_air(Republic)
-		ballisticsComputer = 1+8;
-		visualTarget = 1; 
-		visualTargetSize = 1;
-		reportOwnPosition = true;
-		radarTargetSize = 1;
-		radarTarget = 1;
-		nvTarget = 1;
-		laserTarget = 1;
-		laserScanner = 0;
-		irTarget = 1;
-		irTargetSize = 1;
-		countermeasureActivationRadius = 2000;
-		//flight model
-		maxSpeed=1100;
-		aileronSensitivity=0.41;
-		elevatorSensitivity=0.41;
-		airBrakeFrictionCoef=120;
-		brakeDistance = 80;
-		noseDownCoef = 0;
-		acceleration = 225;
-		draconicForceXCoef=15;
-		draconicForceYCoef=6;
-		draconicForceZCoef=12;
-		altFullForce=18000;
-		altNoForce=19000;
-		draconicTorqueXCoef[]={2.0,1.5,1.0,0.9,1.0,0.9,0.75,0.8,0.9,0.95,1.0};
-		draconicTorqueYCoef[]={1.5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
-		VTOLYawInfluence="3.5";
-		VTOLPitchInfluence="10";
-		VTOLRollInfluence="9";
-		rudderInfluence=0.9;
-		envelope[] = {0.5,2.11,2.43,1.97,1.72,2.69,3.87,5.27,6.89,8.72,9.7,9.6,9.2,8.5,8.2,8};
-		thrustCoef[] = {1.5,3.69,3.62,3.68,3.74,3.81,3.89,3.95,3.96,3.96,3.92,3.4,0.4,0,0,0};
-		elevatorCoef[] = {0.3,0.5,0.66,0.52,0.49,0.46,0.43,0.4,0.35,0.3,0.25,0.18,0.17,0.16,0.15,0.15};
-		aileronCoef[] = {0.4,0.5,0.8,0.95,1.02,1.04,1.03,1.01,1,0.7,0.6,0.55,0.5,0.45,0.4,0.35};
-		rudderCoef[]={0,0.6,0.9,1.0,1.1,1.0,0.9,0.8,0.6,0.35,0.3,0.25,0.2};
-		rudderControlsSensitivityCoef=4.5;
-		gearsUpFrictionCoef=0;
-		class EventHandlers{};
-		class UserActions
-		{
-			class AfterburnerOn
-			{
-				displayName = "<t color='#4C9900'>[Afterburner On]</t>";
-				shortcut = "";
-				condition = "speed this >50 and (!(this getVariable 'AfterBurnervwing'))";
-				statement = "this setVariable ['AfterBurnervwing',true,true];this spawn nes4day_afterburnervwing";
-				priority = 1e+011;
-				displayNameDefault = "";
-				position = "pilotview";
-				radius = 10;
-				onlyforplayer = 1;
-				shortcut="User19"
-			};
-			class AfterburnerOff
-			{
-				displayName = "<t color='#FF9933'>[Afterburner Off]</t>";
-				shortcut = "";
-				condition = "(this getVariable ['AfterBurnervwing',true])";
-				statement = "this setVariable ['AfterBurnervwing',false,true]";
-				priority = 1e+011;
-				displayNameDefault = "";
-				position = "pilotview";
-				radius = 10;
-				onlyforplayer = 1;
-				shortcut="User20"
-			};
-			#include "../../common/universal_dmg_report.hpp"
-		}
-		class ACE_SelfActions:ACE_SelfActions
-		{		
-			#include "../../common/universal_hud_color_changer.hpp"
-		};
-		#include "../../common/universal_mfd.hpp"
-		weapons[] = {
-			macro_new_weapon(laser,v_wing),
-			macro_new_weapon(wynd,a2a),
-			macro_new_weapon(wynd,lgm1),
-			macro_basic_air_weapons
-		};
-		magazines[] = {
-			macro_basic_air_mags,
-			macro_new_mag(generic_aircraft_gun_asg,3000),
-			macro_new_mag(a2a,4),
-			macro_new_mag(a2a,4),
-			macro_new_mag(a2a,4),
-			macro_new_mag(lgm,1)
-		};
-		class pilotCamera
-		{
-			class OpticsIn
-			{
-				class Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName="WFOV";
-					initAngleX=0;
-					minAngleX=-10;
-					maxAngleX=90;
-					initAngleY=0;
-					minAngleY=-90;
-					maxAngleY=90;
-					initFov=0.425;//"(30 / 120)";
-					minFov=0.425;//"(30 / 120)";
-					maxFov=0.425;//"(30 / 120)";
-					directionStabilized=1;
-					thermalMode[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5};
-					visionMode[]=
-					{
-						"Normal",
-						"NVG",
-						"Ti"
-					};
-					gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_wide_F.p3d";
-					opticsPPEffects[]=
-					{
-						"OpticsCHAbera2",
-						"OpticsBlur2"
-					};
-				};
-				class zoomx4: Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName="NFOV";
-					initFov="(0.425/4)";//"(3.75 / 120)";
-					minFov="(0.425/4)";//"(3.75 / 120)";
-					maxFov="(0.425/4)";//"(3.75 / 120)";
-					gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
-				};
-				class zoomX8: Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName="NFOV";
-					initFov="(0.42/8)";//"(.375 / 120)";
-					minFov="(0.42/8)";//"(.375 / 120)";
-					maxFov="(0.42/8)";//"(.375 / 120)";
-					gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
-				};
-				class zoomX20: Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName="NFOV";
-					initFov="(0.42/20)";//"(.375 / 120)";
-					minFov="(0.42/20)";//"(.375 / 120)";
-					maxFov="(0.42/20)";//"(.375 / 120)";
-					gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
-				};
-				class zoomX50: Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName="NFOV";
-					initFov="(0.42/50)";//"(.375 / 120)";
-					minFov="(0.42/50)";//"(.375 / 120)";
-					maxFov="(0.42/50)";//"(.375 / 120)";
-					gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
-				};
-				class zoomX70: Wide
-				{
-					opticsDisplayName="NFOV";
-					initFov="(0.42/70)";//"(.375 / 120)";
-					minFov="(0.42/70)";//"(.375 / 120)";
-					maxFov="(0.42/70)";//"(.375 / 120)";
-					gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
-				};
-				showMiniMapInOptics=1;
-				showUAVViewInOptics=0;
-				showSlingLoadManagerInOptics=1;
-			};
-			minTurn=-180;
-			maxTurn=180;
-			initTurn=0;
-			minElev=-10;
-			maxElev=90;
-			initElev=-10;
-			maxXRotSpeed=0.30000001;
-			maxYRotSpeed=0.30000001;
-			pilotOpticsShowCursor=1;
-			controllable=1;
-		};
-		class Components: Components
-		{
-			class SensorsManagerComponent
-			{
-				class Components
-				{
-					class IRSensorComponent:SensorTemplateIR
-					{
-						class AirTarget
-						{
-							//minRange = 500;
-							//maxRange = 3000;
-							minRange = 5;
-							maxRange = 8000;
-							objectDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
-							viewDistanceLimitCoef = 1;
-						};
-						class GroundTarget
-						{
-							//minRange = 500;
-							//maxRange = 2000;
-							minRange = 5;
-							maxRange = 8000;
-							objectDistanceLimitCoef = 1;
-							viewDistanceLimitCoef = 1;
-						};
-						maxTrackableSpeed = 700;
-						//maxTrackableSpeed = 70;
-						animDirection = "mainGun";
-						//angleRangeHorizontal = 46;
-						//angleRangeVertical = 34;
-						angleRangeHorizontal = 170;
-						angleRangeVertical = 170;
-						aimdown = -0.25;
-					};
-					class VisualSensorComponent:SensorTemplateVisual
-					{
-						class AirTarget
-						{
-							//minRange = 500;
-							//maxRange = 2000;
-							minRange = 5;
-							maxRange = 12000;
-							objectDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
-							viewDistanceLimitCoef = 1;
-						};
-						class GroundTarget
-						{
-							//minRange = 500;
-							maxRange = 1500;
-							minRange = 5;
-							//maxRange = 7000;
-							objectDistanceLimitCoef = 1;
-							viewDistanceLimitCoef = 1;
-						};
-						//maxTrackableSpeed = 70;
-						maxTrackableSpeed = 700;
-						animDirection = "mainGun";
-						//angleRangeHorizontal = 46;
-						//angleRangeVertical = 34;
-						angleRangeHorizontal = 170;
-						angleRangeVertical = 170;
-						aimdown = -0.25;
-					};
-					class ActiveRadarSensorComponent:SensorTemplateActiveRadar
-					{
-						class AirTarget
-						{
-							//minRange = 5000;
-							//maxRange = 5000;
-							minRange = 5;
-							maxRange = 12000;
-							objectDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
-							viewDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
-						};
-						class GroundTarget
-						{
-							//minRange = 4000;
-							//maxRange = 4000;
-							minRange = 4;
-							maxRange = 8000;
-							objectDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
-							viewDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
-						};
-						maxTrackableSpeed = 1250;
-						//maxTrackableSpeed = 125;
-						angleRangeHorizontal = 180;
-						//angleRangeVertical = 90;
-						angleRangeVertical = 180;
-						groundNoiseDistanceCoef = -1;
-						maxGroundNoiseDistance = -1;
-						minSpeedThreshold = 0;
-						maxSpeedThreshold = 0;
-						aimDown = 30;
-					};
-					class PassiveRadarSensorComponent:SensorTemplatePassiveRadar
-					{
-					};
-					class LaserSensorComponent:SensorTemplateLaser
-					{
-					};
-					class NVSensorComponent:SensorTemplateNV
-					{
-					};
-				};
-			};
-			class VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerComponentLeft: DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerLeft
-			{
-				class Components: Components
-				{
-					class VehiclePrimaryGunnerDisplay
-					{
-						componentType = "TransportFeedDisplayComponent";
-						source = "PrimaryGunner";
-					};
-					class VehicleMissileDisplay
-					{
-						componentType = "TransportFeedDisplayComponent";
-						source = "Missile";
-					};
-					class SensorDisplay
-					{
-						componentType = "SensorsDisplayComponent";
-						range[] = {4000, 2000, 16000, 8000};
-						resource = "RscCustomInfoSensors";
-					};
-				};
-			};
-			class VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerComponentRight: DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerRight
-			{
-				defaultDisplay = "SensorDisplay";
-				class Components: Components
-				{
-					class VehiclePrimaryGunnerDisplay
-					{
-						componentType = "TransportFeedDisplayComponent";
-						source = "PrimaryGunner";
-					};
-					class VehicleMissileDisplay
-					{
-						componentType = "TransportFeedDisplayComponent";
-						source = "Missile";
-					};
-					class SensorDisplay
-					{
-						componentType = "SensorsDisplayComponent";
-						range[] = {4000, 2000, 16000, 8000};
-						resource = "RscCustomInfoSensors";
-					};
-				};
-			};
-		};
-	};

+ 17 - 1
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/Vulture/config.cpp

@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class CfgPatches
 #include "../../common/sensor_templates.hpp"
+class Eventhandlers;
 class CfgVehicles
 	class Air;
@@ -128,6 +128,14 @@ class CfgVehicles
+		class Eventhandlers: Eventhandlers
+		{
+			hit="";
+			landing="[_this,true] call bis_fnc_aircraftTailhookAi";
+			landingcanceled="[_this,false] call bis_fnc_aircraftTailhookAi";
+			engine="_this call bis_fnc_aircraftFoldingWings";
+			gear="_this call bis_fnc_aircraftFoldingWings";
+		};
 	class macro_new_vehicle(cis,vulture) : 3as_Vulture_dynamicLoadout
@@ -168,5 +176,13 @@ class CfgVehicles
+		class Eventhandlers: Eventhandlers
+		{
+			hit="";
+			landing="[_this,true] call bis_fnc_aircraftTailhookAi";
+			landingcanceled="[_this,false] call bis_fnc_aircraftTailhookAi";
+			engine="_this call bis_fnc_aircraftFoldingWings";
+			gear="_this call bis_fnc_aircraftFoldingWings";
+		};

+ 1 - 1
addons - Copy/RD501_Zeus/functions/fnc_ui_volatileSettings.sqf

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ private _logic = missionNamespace getVariable["BIS_fnc_initCuratorAttributes_tar
 private _init = _logic getVariable ["rd501_ui_volatileInit", [100]];
 private _slider = _display displayCtrl 58502;
-_slider sliderSetRange [10, 20000];
+_slider sliderSetRange [10, 1000];
 _slider sliderSetSpeed [1,100];
 _slider sliderSetPosition (_init select 0);
 _slider ctrlAddEventHandler ["SliderPosChanged", _fnc_sliderMove];