Browse Source

revert orbital laser to config and adjust to use color selector

thefloff 4 years ago

+ 0 - 2
addons - Copy/RD501_Zeus/XEH_preInit.sqf

@@ -1,3 +1 @@
 #include "XEH_PREP.sqf"
-[] spawn tts_beam_fnc_customZeusModules;

+ 14 - 3
addons - Copy/RD501_Zeus/config.cpp

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class CfgFunctions
 			class explosionDamage {};
 			class explosionParticles {};
 			class postProcessEffects {};
-			class customZeusModules {};
+			class configMenu {};
@@ -144,8 +144,19 @@ class CfgVehicles
 		portrait = "\a3\Modules_F_Curator\Data\portraitOrdnanceMortar_ca.paa";
 		ammo = macro_new_ordnance_ammo(Orbital)
 		delete Arguments;
-	};
+	};	
+	class macro_new_ordnance(OrbitalLaser): Module_F {
+		author = "RD501";
+        curatorCanAttach = 1;
+		isGlobal = 0;
+		scope = 1;
+		scopeCurator = 2;
+        isTriggerActivated = 0;
+        category = "Ordnance";
+		displayName = "Orbital Laser";
+        function = "tts_beam_fnc_configMenu";
+		portrait = "RD501_Zeus\ui\explosion_zeus_icon_small.paa";
+    };
 class CfgAmmo

+ 53 - 0
addons - Copy/RD501_Zeus/functions/fn_configMenu.sqf

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+_logic = param [0,objNull,[objNull]];
+_units = param [1,[],[[]]];
+_position = getPos _logic;
+	"Beam Laser Strike", // title
+ 	[ // array of controls for dialog
+		["COMBO", ["Beam Colour", "Colour of laser particles and glow"],
+			[ // control args
+				["Default", "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Cyan", "Pink", "Purple"], // return values
+				["Default", "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Cyan", "Pink", "Purple"], // labels
+				0 // element 0 is default selected
+			]
+		],
+		["COMBO", ["Debris Colour", "Colour of dust kicked up by explosion"],
+			[ // control args
+				["Default", "Mud", "Snow", "Sand"], // return values
+				["Default", "Mud", "Snow", "Sand"], // labels
+				0 // element 0 is default selected
+			]
+		]
+	],
+	{ // code run on dialog closed (only run if OK is clicked)
+		params ["_dialogResult", "_args"];
+		private _beamColour = _dialogResult#0;
+		switch (_dialogResult#0) do { // select beam colour
+			case "Default": {_beamColour = [1,0.6,0.2];}; 	// default
+			case "Red": {_beamColour = [0.5,0,0];}; 		// red
+			case "Orange": {_beamColour = [0.3,0.15,0.1];}; // orange
+			case "Yellow": {_beamColour = [1,0.9,0];}; 		// yellow
+			case "Green": {_beamColour = [0,0.5,0];};		// green
+			case "Cyan": {_beamColour = [0,0.5,0.5];}; 		// cyan
+			case "Pink": {_beamColour = [1,0,0.6];}; 		// pink
+			case "Purple": {_beamColour = [0.5,0,1];}; 		// purple
+		};
+		private _debrisColour = _dialogResult#1; 
+		switch (_dialogResult#1) do { // select debris colour
+			case "Default": {_debrisColour = [0.3, 0.27, 0.15];}; 	// default
+			case "Mud": {_debrisColour = [0.15, 0.11, 0.08];}; 		// mud
+			case "Snow": {_debrisColour = [1, 1, 1];}; 				// snow
+			case "Sand": {_debrisColour = [1, 0.8, 0.3];}; 			// sand
+		};
+		private _beamTarget = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle _args#0;
+		[_beamTarget, _beamColour, _debrisColour] remoteExec ["tts_beam_fnc_beam", 0, false]; // fire beam
+		_beamTarget spawn {sleep 60; deleteVehicle _this;}; // wait and cleanup target pos
+	}, {}, [_position] // args
+] call zen_dialog_fnc_create;

+ 0 - 115
addons - Copy/RD501_Zeus/functions/fn_customZeusModules.sqf

@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-	Author: TheTimidShade
-	Description:
-		Initialises custom modules for Achilles & ZEN if enabled
-	Parameters:
-	Returns:
-sleep 1;
-if (!isNull (getAssignedCuratorLogic player) && {isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "achilles_modules_f_achilles")}) then {
-	["Fire Support", "Beam Laser Strike", 
-	{
-		params [["_position", [0,0,0], [[]], 3], ["_objectUnderCursor", objNull, [objNull]]];
-		private _dialogResult = [
-			"Beam Laser Strike",
-			[
-				["Beam Colour", ["Default", "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Cyan", "Pink", "Purple"], 0],
-				["Debris Colour", ["Default", "Mud", "Snow", "Sand"], 0]
-			]
-		] call Ares_fnc_showChooseDialog;
-		if (_dialogResult isEqualTo []) exitWith{}; // if dialog was closed exit
-		private _beamColour = [1,0.6,0.2];
-		switch (_dialogResult#0) do { // select beam colour
-			case 0: {_beamColour = [1,0.6,0.2];}; 		// default
-			case 1: {_beamColour = [0.5,0,0];}; 		// red
-			case 2: {_beamColour = [0.3,0.15,0.1];}; 	// orange
-			case 3: {_beamColour = [1,0.9,0];}; 		// yellow
-			case 4: {_beamColour = [0,0.5,0];};			// green
-			case 5: {_beamColour = [0,0.5,0.5];}; 		// cyan
-			case 6: {_beamColour = [1,0,0.6];}; 		// pink
-			case 7: {_beamColour = [0.5,0,1];}; 		// purple
-		};
-		private _debrisColour = [0.3, 0.27, 0.15]; 
-		switch (_dialogResult#1) do { // select debris colour
-			case 0: {_debrisColour = [0.3, 0.27, 0.15];}; 	// default
-			case 1: {_debrisColour = [0.15, 0.11, 0.08];}; 	// mud
-			case 2: {_debrisColour = [1, 1, 1];}; 			// snow
-			case 3: {_debrisColour = [1, 0.8, 0.3];}; 		// sand
-		};
-		private _beamTarget = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle _position;
-		[_beamTarget, _beamColour, _debrisColour] remoteExec ["tts_beam_fnc_beam", 0, false]; // fire beam
-		_beamTarget spawn {sleep 60; deleteVehicle _this;}; // wait and cleanup target pos
-	}] call Ares_fnc_RegisterCustomModule;
-if (!isNull (getAssignedCuratorLogic player) && {isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "zen_main")}) then {
-	["Fire Support", "Orbital Laser",
-	{
-		params [["_position", [0,0,0], [[]], 3], ["_attachedObject", objNull, [objNull]]];
-		[
-			"Beam Laser Strike", // title
-		 	[ // array of controls for dialog
-				["COMBO", ["Beam Colour", "Colour of laser particles and glow"],
-					[ // control args
-						["Default", "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Cyan", "Pink", "Purple"], // return values
-						["Default", "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Cyan", "Pink", "Purple"], // labels
-						0 // element 0 is default selected
-					]
-				],
-				["COMBO", ["Debris Colour", "Colour of dust kicked up by explosion"],
-					[ // control args
-						["Default", "Mud", "Snow", "Sand"], // return values
-						["Default", "Mud", "Snow", "Sand"], // labels
-						0 // element 0 is default selected
-					]
-				]
-			],
-			{ // code run on dialog closed (only run if OK is clicked)
-				params ["_dialogResult", "_args"];
-				private _beamColour = _dialogResult#0;
-				switch (_dialogResult#0) do { // select beam colour
-					case "Default": {_beamColour = [1,0.6,0.2];}; 	// default
-					case "Red": {_beamColour = [0.5,0,0];}; 		// red
-					case "Orange": {_beamColour = [0.3,0.15,0.1];}; // orange
-					case "Yellow": {_beamColour = [1,0.9,0];}; 		// yellow
-					case "Green": {_beamColour = [0,0.5,0];};		// green
-					case "Cyan": {_beamColour = [0,0.5,0.5];}; 		// cyan
-					case "Pink": {_beamColour = [1,0,0.6];}; 		// pink
-					case "Purple": {_beamColour = [0.5,0,1];}; 		// purple
-				};
-				private _debrisColour = _dialogResult#1; 
-				switch (_dialogResult#1) do { // select debris colour
-					case "Default": {_debrisColour = [0.3, 0.27, 0.15];}; 	// default
-					case "Mud": {_debrisColour = [0.15, 0.11, 0.08];}; 		// mud
-					case "Snow": {_debrisColour = [1, 1, 1];}; 				// snow
-					case "Sand": {_debrisColour = [1, 0.8, 0.3];}; 			// sand
-				};
-				private _beamTarget = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle _args#0;
-				[_beamTarget, _beamColour, _debrisColour] remoteExec ["tts_beam_fnc_beam", 0, false]; // fire beam
-				_beamTarget spawn {sleep 60; deleteVehicle _this;}; // wait and cleanup target pos
-			}, {}, [_position] // args
-		] call zen_dialog_fnc_create;
-	}, 
-	"RD501_Zeus\ui\explosion_zeus_icon_small.paa"] call zen_custom_modules_fnc_register