@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-#include "../../config_macros.hpp"
-#include "../../../RD501_main/config_macros.hpp"
-#include "../../../RD501_main/config_macros.hpp"
-#define unit_addon B2
-#define patch_name MODNAME##unit_addon##_Patches
-#define unit_classname MODNAME##_##unit_addon
-class CfgPatches
- class macro_patch_name(b2_units)
- {
- addonRootClass=macro_patch_name(units);
- requiredAddons[]=
- {
- macro_patch_name(units)
- };
- requiredVersion=0.1;
- units[]={
- "SWOP_CIS_superdroid_B2",
- macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Standard),
- macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Rocket),
- macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_super_droid_Rocket),
- macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_aqua),
- macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Test),
- macro_new_uniform_class(opfor,B2_Armor),
- macro_new_uniform_class(opfor,B2_Aqua),
- macro_new_uniform_class(opfor,B2_Armor_Test),
- macro_new_uniform_skin_class(opfor,B2_Rocket),
- macro_new_uniform_skin_class(opfor,B2_Aqua),
- macro_new_uniform_skin_class(opfor,B2_Test)
- };
- weapons[]=
- {
- };
- };
-class cfgWeapons
- /**
- * the item the unit wears in the uniform slot
- */
- class ItemCore;
- class Uniform_Base: ItemCore
- {
- class ItemInfo;
- };
- class VestItem;
- class UniformItem;
- class SWOP_B2_superdroid_F_Spec;
- class macro_new_uniform_class(opfor,B2_Armor): SWOP_B2_superdroid_F_Spec
- {
- author = "SWOP";
- scope = 2;
- displayName = "B2 battledroid (Rocket)";
- picture = "\SWOP_droids\data\ico\B2ico.paa";
- nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody";
- model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver";
- JLTS_isDroid = 1;
- JLTS_hasEMPProtection = 0;
- JLTS_deathSounds = "DeathDroid";
- JLTS_isDroid = 1;
- JLTS_hasEMPProtection = 0;
- JLTS_deathSounds = "DeathDroid";
- class ItemInfo: UniformItem
- {
- uniformModel = "-";
- uniformClass = macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Standard);
- modelSides[] = {6};
- containerClass = "Supply100";
- mass = 400;
- };
- };
- class macro_new_uniform_class(opfor,B2_Armor_Test): Uniform_Base
- {
- author = "SWOP";
- scope = 2;
- displayName = "B2 battledroid (TEST B2)";
- picture = "\SWOP_droids\data\ico\B2ico.paa";
- nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody";
- model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver";
- JLTS_isDroid = 1;
- JLTS_hasEMPProtection = 0;
- JLTS_deathSounds = "DeathDroid";
- class ItemInfo: UniformItem
- {
- uniformModel = "-";
- uniformClass = macro_new_uniform_skin_class(opfor,B2_Test); //ties to @2
- armor = 100;
- armorStructural = 20;//30;//20;
- explosionShielding = 0.001;
- impactDamageMultiplier = 0.001;
- modelSides[] = {6};
- containerClass = "Supply100";
- mass = 400;
- };
- };
- class macro_new_uniform_class(opfor,B2_Aqua):SWOP_B2_superdroid_F_Spec
- {
- scope=2;
- author= "RD501";
- displayname = "B2 Aqua Suit (Waterbound Enforcement Technician)";
- picture = "\SWOP_droids\data\ico\B2ico.paa";
- nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody";
- hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2","Camo3"};
- hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {};
- hiddenUnderwaterSelections[] = {};
- hiddenUnderwaterSelectionsTextures[] = {};
- JLTS_isDroid = 1;
- JLTS_hasEMPProtection = 0;
- JLTS_deathSounds = "DeathDroid";
- class ItemInfo: UniformItem
- {
- uniformModel = "-";
- uniformClass = macro_new_uniform_skin_class(opfor,B2_Aqua);
- Armor = .1;
- modelSides[] = {6};
- uniformType = "Neopren";
- containerClass = "Supply100";
- mass = 40;
- armorStructural = 1;
- };
- };
-class DefaultEventhandlers;
-class CfgVehicles
- class O_Soldier_base_F;
- class SWOP_CIS_Base: O_Soldier_base_F
- {
- class HitPoints;
- };
- /**
- * units that only act as skins for the uniform
- */
- class SWOP_B2_superdroid: SWOP_CIS_Base
- {
- #include "armor_uniform.hpp"
- };
- #include "B2_Reskins.hpp"
- /**
- * the actual unit running around under the uniform
- */
- class SWOP_CIS_superdroid_B2: SWOP_CIS_Base
- {
- class EventHandlers : DefaultEventhandlers {};
- };
- class macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Standard): SWOP_CIS_superdroid_B2
- {
- scope=2;
- author= "RD501";
- faction= macro_cis_faction
- editorSubcategory = macro_editor_cat(B2)
- uniformClass = macro_new_uniform_class(opfor,B2_Armor)
- displayname = "B2 (Blaster)";
- class EventHandlers : DefaultEventhandlers {};
- armor=2;
- armorStructural=1;
- #include "armor_unit.hpp"
- };
- class macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Rocket): macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Standard)
- {
- displayname = "B2 (Rocket)";
- author= "RD501";
- magazines[] = {"SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag"};
- respawnMagazines[] = {"SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag"};
- uniformClass = macro_new_uniform_class(opfor,B2_Armor);
- };
- class macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_super_droid_Rocket) : macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Rocket)
- {
- scope=2;
- displayname = "Super B2 (Rocket)";
- };
- class macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Test): macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Standard)
- {
- displayname = "B2 (TEST)";
- author= "RD501";
- magazines[] = {"SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag"};
- respawnMagazines[] = {"SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag", "SWOP_B2rocket_Mag"};
- uniformClass = macro_new_uniform_class(opfor,B2_Armor_Test);
- };
- class macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_aqua): macro_new_unit_class(opfor,B2_droid_Standard)
- {
- displayname = "B2 (Water Enforcement Technician)";
- side=0;
- scope=2;
- scopeCurator=2;
- scopeArsenal=2;
- author= "RD501";
- faction= macro_cis_faction
- editorSubcategory = macro_editor_cat(aqua)
- respawnWeapons[] = {"SWOP_B2gun_Aqua","Throw","Put"};
- uniformClass = macro_new_uniform_class(opfor,B2_Aqua);
- magazines[] = {"SWOP_b2gun_Mag","SWOP_b2gun_Mag","SWOP_b2gun_Mag","SWOP_b2gun_Mag"};
- weapons[] = {macro_new_weapon(b2,aqua_gun),"Throw","Put"};
- linkedItems[] = {macro_new_weapon(equipment,Water_Filtration),"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","NVGoggles"};
- };