faction = macro_cis_faction
editorSubcategory = macro_editor_cat_air(CIS_heli)
vehicleClass = macro_editor_vehicle_type_air(CIS)
airBrakeFrictionCoef = 80.4;
class EventHandlers{};
class UserActions
class ThrusterEngage
condition = "(!(this getvariable [""impulsorStatus"",false]) AND (player == driver this) AND (alive this) AND (speed this >50) )";
displayName = "[Impulsor On]";
displayNameDefault = "[Impulsor On]";
onlyForPlayer = 0;
position = "pilotview";
priority = 1e+008;
radius = 6;
statement = "this execVM ""\SW_Droides_2\DroidGunship\initTE.sqf""";
textToolTip = "[Impulsor On]";
userActionID = 64;
class ThrusterDisngage : ThrusterEngage
condition = "((this getvariable [""impulsorStatus"",false]) AND (player == driver this) AND (alive this))";
displayName = "[RepulsorBrake On]";
displayNameDefault = "[RepulsorBrake On]";
onlyForPlayer = 0;
position = "pilotview";
priority = 1e+008;
radius = 6;
statement = "this execVM ""\SW_Droides_2\DroidGunship\initTD.sqf""";
textToolTip = "[RepulsorBrake On]";
userActionID = 65;