class ThrusterEngage
displayName = "[Impulsor On]";
displayNameDefault = "[Impulsor On]";
textToolTip = "[Impulsor On]";
position = "pilotview";
radius = 20;
priority = 21;
onlyForPlayer = 1;
condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this) AND (speed this >10) )";
statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseIncrease.sqf""";
class ThrusterDisngage: ThrusterEngage
priority = 21;
displayName = "[RepulsorBrake On]";
displayNameDefault = "[RepulsorBrake On]";
textToolTip = "[RepulsorBrake On]";
condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this))";
statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseDecrease.sqf""";
class ThrusterEngage_spam: ThrusterEngage
displayName = "";
displayNameDefault = "";
textToolTip = "";
position = "pilotview";
radius = 20;
priority = 0;
onlyForPlayer = 1;
condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this) AND (speed this >10) )";
statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseIncrease.sqf""";
class ThrusterDisngage_spam: ThrusterEngage
priority = 0;
displayName = "";
displayNameDefault = "";
textToolTip = "";
condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this))";
statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseDecrease.sqf""";