config.cpp 4.6 KB

  1. class CfgPatches
  2. {
  3. class 3AS_Weapons_S5
  4. {
  5. addonRootClass="3AS_Weapons";
  6. units[]={};
  7. weapons[]={"3AS_S5_f","3AS_S5_Scope"};
  8. requiredVersion=0.1;
  9. requiredAddons[]={"3AS_Weapons"};
  10. };
  11. };
  12. class Mode_SemiAuto;
  13. class SlotInfo;
  14. class CowsSlot;
  15. class CfgWeapons
  16. {
  17. class ItemCore;
  18. class InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F;
  19. class 3AS_S5_Scope: ItemCore
  20. {
  21. scope = 2;
  22. displayName="[3AS] S-5 Scope";
  23. //picture="\A3\weapons_F\Data\UI\myOpticsAccessory_CA.paa"; // Need Picture
  24. model = "3as\3as_weapons\S5\3AS_S5Scope_f.p3d";
  25. weaponInfoType = "RscOptics_myOptics";
  26. class ItemInfo: InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F
  27. {
  28. mass = 7;
  29. modelOptics="\3AS\3AS_Weapons\Data\3AS_2D_Optic.p3d"; // Need Model
  30. class OpticsModes
  31. {
  32. class TopScope
  33. {
  34. opticsID = 1;
  35. useModelOptics = true;
  36. opticsPPEffects[]={"OpticsCHAbera1","OpticsBlur1"};
  37. opticsZoomMin = 0.0555;
  38. opticsZoomMax = 0.1300;
  39. opticsZoomInit= 0.1300;
  40. discreteDistance[] = {100,200};
  41. discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0;
  42. distanceZoomMin = 300;
  43. distanceZoomMax = 350;
  44. nFovLimit = 0.07;
  45. discretefov[] = {0.1300,0.0555};
  46. discreteInitIndex = 0;
  47. //modelOptics[] = {"\A3\Weapons_f\acc\reticle_MyOptics_F"}; // Need Model
  48. memoryPointCamera = "opticView";
  49. visionMode[] = {"Normal"};
  50. opticsFlare = true;
  51. opticsDisablePeripherialVision = true;
  52. cameraDir = "";
  53. };
  54. class IronSights: TopScope
  55. {
  56. opticsID = 2;
  57. useModelOptics = false;
  58. opticsFlare = false;
  59. opticsDisablePeripherialVision = false;
  60. opticsZoomMin=0.375;
  61. opticsZoomMax=0.60;
  62. opticsZoomInit=0.50;
  63. distanceZoomMin = 300;
  64. distanceZoomMax = 300;
  65. memoryPointCamera = "eye";
  66. visionMode[] = {};
  67. discretefov[] = {};
  68. };
  69. };
  70. };
  71. };
  72. class Pistol;
  73. class Pistol_Base_F: Pistol
  74. {
  75. class WeaponSlotsInfo;
  76. class GunParticles;
  77. };
  78. class 3AS_S5_Base_F: Pistol_Base_F
  79. {
  80. magazines[] = {11Rnd_45ACP_Mag};
  81. reloadAction = "GestureReloadPistol";
  82. magazineReloadSwitchPhase = 0.4; /// part of reload animation when new magazine ammo count should affect "revolving" animation source
  83. discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0; /// Ironsight zeroing is the lowest value by default
  84. // Size of recoil sway of the cursor
  85. maxRecoilSway=0.065;
  86. // Speed at which the recoil sway goes back to zero (from maxRecoilSway to 0 in 1/swayDecaySpeed seconds)
  87. swayDecaySpeed=2;
  88. inertia = 0.05;
  89. initSpeed = -1;
  90. class WeaponSlotsInfo: WeaponSlotsInfo
  91. {
  92. class CowsSlot: CowsSlot
  93. {
  94. linkProxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\TOP";
  95. compatibleItems[] = {"3AS_S5_Scope"};
  96. };
  97. };
  98. //Ironsights
  99. opticsZoomMin=0.375;
  100. opticsZoomMax=0.60;
  101. opticsZoomInit=0.50;
  102. distanceZoomMin = 300;
  103. distanceZoomMax = 300;
  104. descriptionShort = ""; /// displayed on mouseOver in Inventory
  105. dexterity =1.5;
  106. caseless[] = {"",1,1,1};
  107. soundBullet[] = {caseless,1};
  108. selectionFireAnim = "muzzleFlash";
  109. flash = "gunfire";
  110. flashSize = 0.5;
  111. fireLightIntensity=0.2;
  112. fireLightDuration=0.05;
  113. muzzleend = "Konec hlavne";
  114. muzzlepos = "Usti hlavne";
  115. modes[] = {Single};
  116. class Single: Mode_SemiAuto
  117. {
  118. class BaseSoundModeType;
  119. class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType
  120. {
  121. begin1[]={"", db0, 1,800};
  122. soundBegin[]={begin1, 1};
  123. };
  124. class SilencedSound: BaseSoundModeType
  125. {
  126. begin1[]={"", db-1, 1,200};
  127. begin2[]={"", db-1, 1,200};
  128. soundBegin[]={begin1,0.5, begin2,0.5};
  129. };
  130. reloadTime = 0.16666666667; /// means some 625 rounds per minute
  131. dispersion = 0.00086999999; /// A bit less than 3 MOA
  132. minRange = 2; minRangeProbab = 0.5; /// Task Force Balance black magic - this is the probability which AI thinks it would hit target at set range with
  133. midRange = 200; midRangeProbab = 0.7; /// it is no real probability of hit, just used for AI to compute if the shot is worth to take - AI chooses highest
  134. maxRange = 450; maxRangeProbab = 0.3; /// probability of the weapon, does some calculation and compares it with calculated probability of other weapons
  135. };
  136. recoil = "recoil_pistol_4five";
  137. aiDispersionCoefY=6.0;
  138. aiDispersionCoefX=4.0;
  139. drySound[] = {"",2,1,20};
  140. reloadMagazineSound[] = {"",1,1,30};
  141. reloadSound[] = {"",1,1};
  142. };
  143. class 3AS_S5_f: 3AS_S5_Base_F
  144. {
  145. scope = 2;
  146. author="The Clone Wars Mod Team";
  147. UiPicture = "";
  148. displayName = "[3AS] S-5 Security Pistol";
  149. model = "3as\3as_weapons\S5\3AS_S5_f.p3d";
  150. muzzleend = "Konec hlavne";
  151. muzzlepos = "Usti hlavne";
  152. picture = "";
  153. weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing";
  154. class WeaponSlotsInfo: WeaponSlotsInfo
  155. {
  156. mass = 100;
  157. };
  158. };
  159. };