jumppack.sqf 17 KB

  1. #include "\a3\editor_f\Data\Scripts\dikCodes.h"
  2. #include "../../config_macros.hpp"
  3. #include "jumppack_macro.hpp"
  4. //if cant sleep
  5. if (!canSuspend) exitWith {
  6. [] spawn compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'macro_mod_script_path\jumppack\jumppack.sqf';
  7. };
  8. //This is our jump func
  9. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,jump) = {
  10. params[["_unit",player,[player]],["_f_velo",0,[0]],["_v_velo",0,[0]],["_dir_angle",0,[0]],["_use_dir",false,[false]]];
  11. _unit_backpack_class=backpack _unit;
  12. _has_jumppack=_unit_backpack_class call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,is_jumppack);
  13. //check if unit has jumppack
  14. if(!_has_jumppack) exitwith{};
  15. //set jump velo
  16. _v_hat=getCameraViewDirection _unit;
  17. if(!(_use_dir)) then
  18. {
  19. //non directional jump
  20. _v_hat=vectorDir _unit;
  21. _v_hat = [_v_hat, _dir_angle] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D;
  22. (_unit) setVelocity
  23. [
  24. ((_v_hat select 0) *(_f_velo)),
  25. ((_v_hat select 1) *(_f_velo)),
  26. (_v_velo)
  27. ];
  28. }
  29. else
  30. {
  31. //directional jump
  32. _vertical_sign=(_v_hat select 2)/(abs (_v_hat select 2));
  33. (_unit) setVelocity
  34. [
  35. ((_v_hat select 0) *(_f_velo)),
  36. ((_v_hat select 1) *(_f_velo)),
  37. ((_v_hat select 2) *(_f_velo))+(_v_velo/2)
  38. ];
  39. };
  40. _jump_id=_unit getVariable ["RD501_jumppack_jump_id",0];//random [0, 210000 , 420000];
  41. //this jumps id
  42. _jump_id=_jump_id+1;
  43. _unit setVariable ["RD501_jumppack_jump_id",_jump_id,true];
  44. //player sideChat format ["T:%1 -- ID: %2",time,_jump_id];
  45. _volume=3;
  46. _dist=30;
  47. _sound_path_start=selectRandom([(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _unit_backpack_class),"RD501_jumppack_sound_ignite",[]] call BIS_fnc_returnConfigEntry);
  48. playSound3D [_sound_path_start, _unit,false, getPosASL _unit,_volume,1,_dist];//"RD501_Jumppack\sounds\cdv21Start.ogg"
  49. _unit allowDamage false;
  50. _unit setVariable ["ace_medical_allowDamage", false,true];
  51. _unit setVariable ["RD501_jumppack_last_jumptime", time,true];
  52. _damage = damage _unit;
  53. //player spawn macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,add_particle_effects);
  54. _unit spawn macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,add_landing_effects);
  55. //w8 till landed
  56. sleep 0.1;
  57. waitUntil
  58. {
  59. //used to prevent death on land
  60. _unit allowDamage false;
  61. _isOnGround=(isTouchingGround (vehicle _unit));
  62. _isInWater=((surfaceIsWater getPos _unit) && (getPosASL _unit select 2 < 0));
  63. _isDed=!(alive _unit);
  64. _diffJumpId=(_jump_id !=(_unit getVariable ["RD501_jumppack_jump_id",-1]));
  65. _isBigNull=_unit isEqualTo objNull;
  66. (_isOnGround || _isInWater || _isDed || _diffJumpId || _isBigNull)//(vectorMagnitude (velocity _unit))<.1
  67. };
  68. //after landing or exiting wait until
  69. //if unit not exists, rip.
  70. if((_unit isEqualTo objNull)) exitwith
  71. {
  72. //leave ,f,but remember to remove effects
  73. };
  74. //if ded
  75. if(!(alive _unit)) exitwith {
  76. _unit setVariable ["ace_medical_allowDamage", true,true];
  77. _unit allowDamage true;
  78. };
  79. //if another jump happened, exist this script
  80. if(_jump_id !=(_unit getVariable ["RD501_jumppack_jump_id",-1])) exitwith{
  81. //player sideChat format ["T: %1 time line %2 stoped cause time line: %3 started",time,_jump_id,_unit getVariable ["RD501_jumppack_jump_id",-1]];
  82. };
  83. //if in water,w8 untill velocity low then 3m/s (handles 2 and 3rd condition of waituntill)
  84. if((surfaceIsWater getPos _unit) && (getPosASL _unit select 2 < 0) ) then
  85. {
  86. waitUntil
  87. {
  88. (( vectorMagnitude (velocity _unit)) < 3)
  89. };
  90. };
  91. //from here out it means we in land
  92. _unit setVariable ["RD501_jumppack_last_jumptime", time,true];
  93. _unit setDamage _damage;
  94. _unit spawn macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,add_landing_effects);
  95. (_unit) setVelocity [0,0,0];
  96. sleep 1;
  97. _unit allowDamage true;
  98. _unit setVariable ["ace_medical_allowDamage", true,true];
  99. _unit spawn macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,remove_effects);
  100. };
  101. //remove effects
  102. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,remove_effects)= {
  103. params["_unit"];
  104. _attached_items=_unit getVariable ["RD501_jumppack_effects",[]];
  105. {
  106. detach _x;
  107. deleteVehicle _x;
  108. } forEach _attached_items;
  109. {
  110. if((typeOf _x isEqualTo "#lightpoint") || (typeOf _x isEqualTo "#particlesource")) then
  111. {
  112. detach _x;
  113. deleteVehicle _x;
  114. };
  115. } forEach attachedObjects _unit;
  116. _unit setVariable ["RD501_jumppack_effects",[],true];
  117. };
  118. //this formats the current energy passed
  119. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,show_current_energy) = {
  120. params["_curr_energy","_total_energy"];
  121. if(_total_energy<=0) exitWith {};
  122. if(_curr_energy<0) exitWith {};
  123. _energy_ratio=_curr_energy/_total_energy;
  124. _thres_color="#800080";
  125. [format["Energy Left: <t color='%5'>%1</t>/%2" +"<br />"+ "Percent: <t color='%5'>%3%4</t>",_curr_energy,_total_energy,_energy_ratio*100,"%",_thres_color], ""] call ace_common_fnc_displayTextPicture;
  126. };
  127. //Formats energy
  128. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,show_energy_recharge) = {
  129. params["_curr_energy","_new_energy","_total_energy"];
  130. _old_ratio=_curr_energy/_total_energy;
  131. _new_ratio=_new_energy/_total_energy;
  132. _result=false;
  133. _thres=0;
  134. _threshold_list=[.125,.25,.375,.5,.625,.75,.875,1];
  135. _thres_color="#FFFFFF";
  136. _threshold_color_list=["#FF0000","#FF4500","#FF8500","#FFA500","#fff200","#aaff00","#55ff00","#00FFFF"];
  137. if(count _threshold_color_list != count _threshold_list) then
  138. {
  139. [format["Energy: <t color='%5'>%1</t>/%2" +"<br />"+ "Percent: <t color='%5'>%3%4</t>",_new_energy,_total_energy,'X',"%",'#FF0000'], ""] call ace_common_fnc_displayTextPicture;
  140. };
  141. {
  142. if(_old_ratio<_x && _new_ratio>=_x) then {
  143. _result=true;
  144. _thres=_x;
  145. _thres_color= _threshold_color_list select _forEachIndex;
  146. };
  147. }foreach _threshold_list;
  148. if(!_result) exitwith {};
  149. [format["Energy: <t color='%5'>%1</t>/%2" +"<br />"+ "Percent: <t color='%5'>%3%4</t>",_new_energy,_total_energy,_thres*100,"%",_thres_color], ""] call ace_common_fnc_displayTextPicture;
  150. };
  151. //Add the script to handle when loadout cahnges
  152. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,add_cba_player_loadout_EH) = {
  153. _id_loadout_cba_eh = ["loadout",macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,handle_loadout_change)] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
  154. };
  155. //add effect
  156. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,add_particle_effects) = {
  157. params
  158. [
  159. ["_unit",player,[player]]
  160. ];
  161. _unit_backpack_class=backpack _unit;
  162. _effect_script_name =[(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _unit_backpack_class),"RD501_jumppack_jump_effect_script",""] call BIS_fnc_returnConfigEntry;
  163. _effect_position =[(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _unit_backpack_class),"RD501_jumppack_effect_points",[]] call BIS_fnc_returnConfigEntry;
  164. //if no script or no positions, GG
  165. if(_effect_script_name isEqualTo '') exitWith {};
  166. if(count _effect_position ==0) exitWith {};
  167. [_unit,_effect_position] spawn (call compile _effect_script_name);
  168. };
  169. //Our recharge script
  170. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,add_cba_per_frame) = {
  171. params["_unit"];
  172. _delay=1;
  173. [
  174. {
  175. params["_args","_id"];
  176. //extract data from args.
  177. _unit=player;
  178. _frame_delay=_args select 0;
  179. _unitBackpackClass=backpack _unit;
  180. _time_since_last_call=_unit getVariable["RD501_jumppack_last_call_time",time];
  181. _should_recharge = _unit getVariable ["RD501_do_energy_recharge",false];
  182. //if ded or deleted,remove frame EH
  183. if(!(alive _unit) || (_unit isEqualTo objNull)) exitwith{
  184. //[_id] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
  185. };
  186. //Incase we have to pause the timer at one point.
  187. if(typeName _time_since_last_call isEqualTo "BOOL") then
  188. {
  189. _time_since_last_call=time;
  190. };
  191. //Check if this backpack is jumppack. or if we should recharge
  192. _has_jumppack=_unitBackpackClass call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,is_jumppack);
  193. _should_recharge = _unit getVariable ["RD501_do_energy_recharge",true];
  194. if(!_has_jumppack || !_should_recharge) exitwith{
  195. };
  196. //Get recharge value and then calculate with time difference.
  197. _recharge_value=_unitBackpackClass call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,get_recharge_rate);
  198. if(_recharge_value<0) exitwith{
  199. };
  200. _energy_to_add=_recharge_value*(time-_time_since_last_call);
  201. //Get current energy and max
  202. _curr_energy=(unitBackpack _unit) getVariable["RD501_jumppack_energy",0];
  203. _energy_capacity= _unitBackpackClass call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,get_energy_capacity);
  204. if(_energy_capacity<0) exitwith{
  205. };
  206. //Calculate total energy
  207. _new_energy=_curr_energy+_energy_to_add;
  208. if(_new_energy>_energy_capacity) then
  209. {
  210. _new_energy=_energy_capacity;
  211. };
  212. //update new energy and last rechage time
  213. (unitBackpack _unit) setVariable["RD501_jumppack_energy",_new_energy,true];
  214. _unit setVariable["RD501_jumppack_last_call_time",time,true];
  215. [_curr_energy,_new_energy,_energy_capacity] spawn macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,show_energy_recharge);
  216. // diag_log format ["T: %1 ID:%2 D:%3 hurt:%4",time,_unit getVariable ["RD501_jumppack_jump_id",-1],isDamageAllowed player,damage player];
  217. // player sideChat format ["T: %1 ID:%2 D:%3 hurt:%4",time,_unit getVariable ["RD501_jumppack_jump_id",-1],isDamageAllowed player,damage player];
  218. }
  219. , _delay, [_delay]
  220. ] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
  221. };
  222. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,get_energy_capacity) = {
  223. params["_backpack_class"];
  224. [(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _backpack_class),"RD501_jumppack_energy_capacity",-1] call BIS_fnc_returnConfigEntry
  225. };
  226. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,get_recharge_rate) = {
  227. params["_backpack_class"];
  228. ([(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _backpack_class),"RD501_jumppack_recharge",-1] call BIS_fnc_returnConfigEntry)
  229. };
  230. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,is_jumppack) = {
  231. params["_backpack_class"];
  232. (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >>_backpack_class >> "RD501_jumppack_is_jumppack") call BIS_fnc_getCfgDataBool
  233. };
  234. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,decide_jump) = {
  235. params["_unit"];
  236. _unitBackpackClass=backpack _unit;
  237. _has_jumppack=_unitBackpackClass call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,is_jumppack);
  238. //if no jumppack,no jump
  239. if(!_has_jumppack) exitwith
  240. {
  241. [
  242. format["<t color='#FF0000'>You dont have a jumppack.</t>"],
  243. format["<t color='#FF0000'>ArE YoU StUpId MaTey YoU DoNTY HaBE a JumPPacK OwO???.</t>"],
  244. .2
  245. ]call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,memeify_test);
  246. };
  247. //if captive no jump
  248. if( (_unit getVariable ["ace_captives_ishandcuffed",false])) exitwith
  249. {
  250. [
  251. format["<t color='#FF0000'>Cant jump while captured.</t>"],
  252. format["<t color='#FF0000'>Bitch, where u tryna go.</t>"],
  253. .2
  254. ]call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,memeify_test);
  255. };
  256. //if underwater or on water,no jump.
  257. if((eyePos _unit select 2 < 0) ||(underwater _unit) || ((surfaceIsWater getPos _unit) && (getPosASL _unit select 2 < 0))) exitWIth
  258. {
  259. [
  260. format["<t color='#FF0000'>No water jumping.</t>"],
  261. format["<t color='#FF0000'>Water is too warm :) OwO.</t>"],
  262. .2
  263. ]call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,memeify_test);
  264. };
  265. //If in vehicle,no jump
  266. if (!(isNull objectParent _unit))exitWith
  267. {
  268. [
  269. format["<t color='#FF0000'>No jumping in vehicle,</t>"],
  270. format["<t color='#FF0000'>Seatbelt on.</t>"],
  271. .2
  272. ]call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,memeify_test);
  273. };
  274. //if spamming,no jump. This is to prevent the issue of where u jump as soon as u land adn then die.
  275. _last_jumptime=_unit getVariable ["RD501_jumppack_last_jumptime",0];
  276. // if(((time-_last_jumptime)<.5)) exitWith
  277. // {
  278. // [format["<t color='#FF0000'>No Spam Jumping</t>"], ""] call ace_common_fnc_displayTextPicture;
  279. // };
  280. _jumppack_data=[(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _unitBackpackClass),"RD501_jumppack_jump_types",[]] call BIS_fnc_returnConfigEntry;
  281. //If no jumppack data,no jump
  282. if((count _jumppack_data) ==0) exitWith
  283. {
  284. [format["<t color='#FF0000'>Script Hab Stroke # Type 1 :(</t>"], ""] call ace_common_fnc_displayTextPicture;
  285. };
  286. //If not enough energy,no jump
  287. _jumppack_jump_index=(unitBackpack _unit) getVariable["RD501_jumppack_selected_jump",0];
  288. _current_energy=(unitBackpack _unit) getVariable["RD501_jumppack_energy",0];
  289. _selected_jump=_jumppack_data select _jumppack_jump_index;
  290. _cost=(_selected_jump select 1) select 2;
  291. if(_cost>_current_energy ) exitwith
  292. {
  293. [
  294. format["<t color='#FF0000'>Not Enough Energy</t>"],
  295. format["<t color='#FF0000'>Not Enough V-Bucks.</t>"],
  296. .2
  297. ]call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,memeify_test);
  298. };
  299. _jump_movement_data=_selected_jump select 1;
  300. //get the forward velo,verticle velo and angle of jump
  301. _velo_data=[_jump_movement_data select 0,_jump_movement_data select 1,_jump_movement_data select 3];
  302. _prone_flag=_jump_movement_data select 5;
  303. _directonal_flag=_jump_movement_data select 4;
  304. //If cant prone jump,no jump EDIT: has to be disabled cause phase through floor exploit F
  305. _can_prone_jump=(_prone_flag==1);
  306. _can_directional_jump=(_directonal_flag==1);
  307. if ((stance _unit == "PRONE") && !_can_prone_jump) exitWith
  308. {
  309. [
  310. format["<t color='#FF0000'>No prone jump selected.</t>"],
  311. format["<t color='#FF0000'>No Grasshopper mode.</t>"],
  312. .2
  313. ]call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,memeify_test);
  314. };
  315. _new_consumed_energy=_current_energy-_cost;
  316. (unitBackpack _unit) setVariable ["RD501_jumppack_energy",_new_consumed_energy,true];
  317. //get energy cap and new consumed energy
  318. _energy_capacity= _unitBackpackClass call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,get_energy_capacity);
  319. [_new_consumed_energy,_energy_capacity] call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,show_current_energy);
  320. [_current_energy,_new_consumed_energy,_energy_capacity] spawn macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,show_energy_recharge);
  321. [player,
  322. _velo_data select 0,//f velo
  323. _velo_data select 1,//v velo
  324. _velo_data select 2,//angle
  325. _can_directional_jump
  326. ]
  327. spawn macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,jump);
  328. };
  329. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,handle_loadout_change) = {
  330. //First we get the last backppack
  331. saved_backpack=player getVariable['RD501_jumppack_backpack_class',''];
  332. //Then we get current backpack
  333. current_backpack=backpack player;
  334. //if backpacks are same, dont do anything
  335. if(saved_backpack isEqualTo current_backpack) exitwith {};
  336. //if different, update classname and set energy to 0. Also set last recharge time to false so that rehcarge can handle and selected jump reset.
  337. //player setVariable ["RD501_jumppack_backpack_class",current_backpack,true];
  338. //player setVariable ["RD501_jumppack_energy",0,true];
  339. player setVariable["RD501_jumppack_last_call_time",false,true];
  340. //(unitBackpack player) setVariable["RD501_jumppack_selected_jump",0,true];
  341. };
  342. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,set_jumptype) = {
  343. params["_unit","_inc"];
  344. _unitBackpackClass=backpack _unit;
  345. _has_jumppack=_unitBackpackClass call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,is_jumppack);
  346. if(!_has_jumppack) exitwith{};
  347. _jumppack_data=[(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _unitBackpackClass),"RD501_jumppack_jump_types",[]] call BIS_fnc_returnConfigEntry;
  348. _num_jumps=count _jumppack_data;
  349. _jumppack_jump_index=(unitBackpack _unit) getVariable["RD501_jumppack_selected_jump",0];
  350. _a=_jumppack_jump_index+_inc;
  351. _b=_num_jumps;
  352. _new_index=(_a - (floor(_a/_b))*_b);
  353. (unitBackpack _unit) setVariable ["RD501_jumppack_selected_jump",_new_index,true];
  354. //[west, "HQ"] sideChat format["%1 %2 %3",_new_index,time,[_jumppack_jump_index+_inc,_num_jumps]];
  355. //Data for hint
  356. _new_selected_jump=(_jumppack_data select _new_index);
  357. _jump_name=_new_selected_jump select 0;
  358. _jump_cost=(_new_selected_jump select 1) select 2;
  359. hint parseText format ["name: %1 <br />Cost: <t color='#00FFFF'>%2</t><br />Current Energy:<t color='#aaff00'>%3</t>",_jump_name,_jump_cost,(unitBackpack _unit) getVariable["RD501_jumppack_energy",0]];
  360. };
  361. //set to 100% energy on existing arsenal
  362. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,arsenal_closed) = {
  363. params[
  364. ["_unit",player,[player]]
  365. ];
  366. //if no jumppack,bye
  367. _unit_backpack=backpack _unit;
  368. _has_jumppack=_unit_backpack call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,is_jumppack);
  369. if(!_has_jumppack) exitwith{};
  370. _energy_capacity= _unit_backpack call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,get_energy_capacity);
  371. (unitBackpack _unit) setVariable ["RD501_jumppack_energy",_energy_capacity,true];
  372. [_energy_capacity,_energy_capacity] call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,show_current_energy);
  373. _unit setVariable ["RD501_do_energy_recharge",true,true];
  374. };
  375. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,arsenal_opened) = {
  376. params[
  377. ["_unit",player,[player]]
  378. ];
  379. _unit setVariable ["RD501_do_energy_recharge",false,true];
  380. };
  381. macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,memeify_test) = {
  382. params[
  383. ["_normal_text","EH RIP MEMEIFY ERROR",["string"]],
  384. ["_meme_text","EH RIP MEMEIFY ERROR",["wordsss"]],
  385. ["_chance_to_happen",0,[0]]
  386. ];
  387. _chance=random 1;
  388. _textToShow= _normal_text;
  389. if(_chance<_chance_to_happen) then
  390. {
  391. _textToShow=_meme_text;
  392. };
  393. [_textToShow, ""] call ace_common_fnc_displayTextPicture;
  394. };
  395. //add keybinds
  396. ["RD501 Jumppack Mod","Jump",["Jump","Press to Jump"],{
  397. [player] spawn macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,decide_jump);
  398. },"",[DIK_Y, [false, true, false]],false] call cba_fnc_addKeybind;
  399. ["RD501 Jumppack Mod","Cycle jump type left",["Cycle jump type left","Cycle jump type left"],{
  400. [player, -1] spawn macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,set_jumptype);
  401. },"",[DIK_G, [false, true, false]],false] call cba_fnc_addKeybind;
  402. ["RD501 Jumppack Mod","Cycle jump type right",["Cycle jump type right","Cycle jump type right"],{
  403. [player, 1] spawn macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,set_jumptype);
  404. },"",[DIK_J, [false, true, false]],false] call cba_fnc_addKeybind;
  405. sleep 0.5;
  406. //detach arsenal open/close
  407. [missionNamespace,"arsenalClosed", {
  408. player call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,arsenal_closed);
  409. }] call bis_fnc_addScriptedEventhandler;
  410. ["ACE_arsenal_displayClosed", {
  411. player call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,arsenal_closed);
  412. }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
  413. [missionNamespace,"arsenalOpened", {
  414. player call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,arsenal_opened);
  415. }] call bis_fnc_addScriptedEventhandler;
  416. ["ACE_arsenal_displayOpened", {
  417. player call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,arsenal_opened);
  418. }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
  419. [player] spawn macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,add_cba_per_frame);
  420. call macro_grp_fnc_name(jumppack,add_cba_player_loadout_EH);