config.cpp 3.2 KB

  1. //get generlized macros
  2. #include "../../../RD501_main/config_macros.hpp"
  3. //General name of the vehicle
  4. #define vehicle_addon nuclass
  5. class CfgPatches
  6. {
  7. class macro_patch_name(nuclass)
  8. {
  9. addonRootClass=macro_patch_name(vehicles)
  10. requiredAddons[]=
  11. {
  12. macro_patch_name(vehicles)
  13. };
  14. requiredVersion=0.1;
  15. units[]=
  16. {
  17. macro_new_vehicle(nuclass,mk1)
  18. };
  19. weapons[]=
  20. {
  21. };
  22. };
  23. };
  24. class CfgVehicles
  25. {
  26. class 3as_nuclass_base;
  27. class 3as_nuclass_f: 3as_nuclass_base
  28. {
  29. class UserActions;
  30. };
  31. class 3AS_Nuclass : 3as_nuclass_f
  32. {
  33. class UserActions: UserActions
  34. {
  35. class rampOpen;
  36. class rampClose;
  37. class frontrampOpen;
  38. class frontrampClose;
  39. };
  40. };
  41. class macro_new_vehicle(nuclass,mk1) : 3AS_Nuclass
  42. {
  43. scope=2;
  44. displayName="Republic NuClass Mk.I"
  45. armor=1300;
  46. faction = macro_republic_faction
  47. editorSubcategory = macro_editor_cat_air(Republic_heli)
  48. vehicleClass = macro_editor_vehicle_type_air(Republic)
  49. #include "../../common/common_pilotCamera.hpp"
  50. RD501_magclamp_large[] = {0.0,1.5,-0.5};
  51. RD501_magclamp_small_forbidden=1;
  52. RD501_magclamp_large_offset[]={0.0,0.0,-10.0};
  53. weapons[]=
  54. {
  55. "ParticleBeamCannon_Nu",
  56. "CMFlareLauncher",
  57. "missiles_DAR",
  58. macro_new_weapon(generic,kannon),
  59. "Laserdesignator_pilotCamera"
  60. };
  61. magazines[]=
  62. {
  63. "240Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine",
  64. "240Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine",
  65. "240Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine",
  66. "240Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine",
  67. "Laser_Battery_F",
  68. "Laser_Battery_F",
  69. "Laser_Battery_F",
  70. "24Rnd_missiles",
  71. "24Rnd_missiles",
  72. "24Rnd_missiles",
  73. "24Rnd_missiles",
  74. macro_new_mag(Kannon,100),
  75. macro_new_mag(Kannon,100),
  76. "Laserbatteries"
  77. };
  78. class UserActions:UserActions
  79. {
  80. class ThrusterEngage
  81. {
  82. displayName = "";
  83. displayNameDefault = "";
  84. textToolTip = "";
  85. position = "pilotview";
  86. radius = 20;
  87. priority = 0;
  88. onlyForPlayer = 1;
  89. condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this))";
  90. statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseIncrease.sqf""";
  91. shortcut="User19"
  92. };
  93. class ThrusterDisengage: ThrusterEngage
  94. {
  95. priority = 0;
  96. displayName = "";
  97. displayNameDefault = "";
  98. textToolTip = "";
  99. condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this))";
  100. statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseDecrease.sqf""";
  101. shortcut="User20"
  102. };
  103. class rampOpen: rampOpen
  104. {
  105. condition="(this animationSourcePhase 'ramp' == 0) AND (alive this) AND (player in [gunner this, driver this])";
  106. };
  107. class rampClose: rampClose
  108. {
  109. condition="(this animationSourcePhase 'ramp' == 1) AND (alive this) AND (player in [gunner this, driver this])";
  110. };
  111. class frontrampOpen: frontrampOpen
  112. {
  113. condition="(this animationSourcePhase 'rampfront' == 0) AND (alive this) AND (player in [gunner this, driver this])";
  114. };
  115. class frontrampClose: frontrampClose
  116. {
  117. condition="(this animationSourcePhase 'rampfront' == 1) AND (alive this) AND (player in [gunner this, driver this])";
  118. };
  119. };
  120. class ACE_SelfActions
  121. {
  122. class ACE_Passengers
  123. {
  124. condition = "alive _target";
  125. displayName = "Passengers";
  126. insertChildren = "_this call ace_interaction_fnc_addPassengersActions";
  127. statement = "";
  128. };
  129. };
  130. };
  131. };