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- /*
- * Author: M3ales
- *
- * Replaces the given target object with the CCP object, and adds an ace interact on JIP
- *
- * Arguments:
- * Target Object
- * Return Value:
- * None
- *
- * Example:
- * [cursorTarget] call rd501_fnc_deployCCPServer
- *
- * Public: No
- */
- params["_target"];
- _position = position _target;
- deleteVehicle _target;
- _spawner = rd501_medical_ccp_building createVehicle _position;
- systemChat format["Deployed CCP"];
- _jipId = ["rd501_medical_ccp_deployCCPLocal", [_spawner]] call CBA_fnc_globalEventJIP; // raise on all clients (we should be on server)
- [_jipId, _spawner] call CBA_fnc_removeGlobalEventJIP;