config.cpp 12 KB

  1. #include "../../RD501_main/config_macros.hpp"
  2. class CfgPatches
  3. {
  4. class macro_patch_name(ammo)
  5. {
  6. author=RD501;
  7. addonRootClass= macro_patch_name(weapons)
  8. requiredAddons[]=
  9. {
  10. macro_patch_name(weapons)
  11. };
  12. requiredVersion=0.1;
  13. units[]={};
  14. weapons[]={};
  15. };
  16. };
  17. class CfgAmmo
  18. {
  19. class 3AS_EC20_BluePlasma;
  20. class 3AS_EC30_BluePlasma;
  21. class 3AS_EC40_BluePlasma;
  22. class 3AS_EC50_BluePlasma;
  23. class 3AS_EC60_BluePlasma;
  24. class 3AS_EC70_BluePlasma;
  25. class 3AS_EC80_BluePlasma;
  26. class JLTS_bullet_carbine_red;
  27. class G_40mm_HE;
  28. class 3AS_CoreDetonator_1RND;
  29. class 3AS_Detonator_1RND;
  30. class B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition;
  31. class B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_Deploy;
  32. class FlareBase;
  33. class SmokeShell;
  34. class JLTS_bullet_stun;
  35. class 442_thermal_det;
  36. class macro_new_ammo(surrender_stun): JLTS_bullet_stun
  37. {
  38. model="\MRC\JLTS\weapons\Core\effects\stun.p3d";
  39. hit=0.0099999998;
  40. JLTS_isStunAmmo=0;
  41. typicalSpeed=30;
  42. timetolive=3;
  43. aiAmmoUsageFlags=0;
  44. RD501_stunDuration=30;
  45. };
  46. class macro_new_ammo(2mw):3AS_EC20_BluePlasma
  47. {
  48. hit=4;
  49. airLock=1;
  50. typicalSpeed=400;
  51. caliber=1.2;
  52. airFriction=0;
  53. waterFriction=-0.009;
  54. };
  55. class macro_new_ammo(5mw) : 3AS_EC30_BluePlasma
  56. {
  57. hit=6;
  58. airLock=1;
  59. typicalSpeed=400;
  60. caliber=1.4;
  61. airFriction=0;
  62. waterFriction=-0.009;
  63. };
  64. class macro_new_ammo(10mw) : 3AS_EC40_BluePlasma
  65. {
  66. hit=9;
  67. airLock=1;
  68. typicalSpeed=550;
  69. caliber=1;
  70. airFriction=0;
  71. waterFriction=-0.009;
  72. explosive = 0;
  73. };
  74. class macro_new_ammo(10mws) : 3AS_EC40_BluePlasma
  75. {
  76. hit=9;
  77. airLock=1;
  78. typicalSpeed=550;
  79. caliber=1;
  80. visibleFire=1;
  81. audibleFire=5;
  82. visibleFireTime=3;
  83. airFriction=0;
  84. waterFriction=-0.009;
  85. explosive = 0;
  86. };
  87. class macro_new_ammo(20mw) : 3AS_EC50_BluePlasma
  88. {
  89. hit=12;
  90. airLock=1;
  91. typicalSpeed=700;
  92. caliber=2.8;
  93. airFriction=0;
  94. waterFriction=-0.009;
  95. explosive = 0.4;
  96. };
  97. class macro_new_ammo(20mw_d) : JLTS_bullet_carbine_red
  98. {
  99. hit=12;
  100. airLock=1;
  101. typicalSpeed=700;
  102. caliber=2.8;
  103. airFriction=0;
  104. waterFriction=-0.009;
  105. };
  106. class macro_new_ammo(20mwup) : 3AS_EC50_BluePlasma
  107. {
  108. hit=10;
  109. airLock=1;
  110. typicalSpeed=600;
  111. indirectHit = 3;
  112. indirectHitRange = 0.5;
  113. explosive = 0.4;
  114. caliber=0.6;
  115. airFriction=0;
  116. waterFriction=-0.009;
  117. };
  118. class macro_new_ammo(20mwdp) : 3AS_EC50_BluePlasma
  119. {
  120. hit=17;
  121. airLock=1;
  122. typicalSpeed=700;
  123. caliber=2.8;
  124. airFriction=0;
  125. waterFriction=-0.009;
  126. explosive = 0;
  127. };
  128. class macro_new_ammo(30mw) : 3AS_EC60_BluePlasma
  129. {
  130. hit=35;
  131. airLock=1;
  132. typicalSpeed=1000;
  133. caliber=2.4;
  134. airFriction=0;
  135. waterFriction=-0.009;
  136. explosive = 0;
  137. };
  138. class macro_new_ammo(30mw_d) : JLTS_bullet_carbine_red
  139. {
  140. hit=35;
  141. airLock=1;
  142. typicalSpeed=1000;
  143. caliber=2.4;
  144. airFriction=0;
  145. };
  146. class macro_new_ammo(40mw) : 3AS_EC70_BluePlasma
  147. {
  148. hit=60;
  149. airLock=1;
  150. typicalSpeed=1100;
  151. caliber=3.6;
  152. airFriction=0;
  153. waterFriction=-0.009;
  154. explosive = 0;
  155. };
  156. class macro_new_ammo(40mwemp) : 3AS_EC70_BluePlasma
  157. {
  158. hit=0.01;
  159. airLock=1;
  160. typicalSpeed=1100;
  161. caliber=1;
  162. airFriction=0;
  163. explosive = 0;
  164. JLTS_isEMPAmmo=1;
  165. };
  166. class macro_new_ammo(50mw) : 3AS_EC80_BluePlasma
  167. {
  168. hit=300;
  169. thrust=210;
  170. explosive=0.4;
  171. thrustTime=1.5;
  172. airLock=1;
  173. typicalSpeed=1100;
  174. caliber=5;
  175. airFriction=0;
  176. };
  177. class macro_new_ammo(mar1) : 3AS_EC80_BluePlasma
  178. {
  179. hit=1000;
  180. thrust=500;
  181. explosive=0;
  182. thrustTime=1.5;
  183. airLock=1;
  184. typicalSpeed=3000;
  185. caliber=50;
  186. airFriction=0;
  187. };
  188. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  189. ///////////////////////////UGL////////////////////////////////////////
  190. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  191. class macro_new_ammo(UGL_AP): G_40mm_HE
  192. {
  193. hit = 350;
  194. indirectHit = 0;
  195. indirectHitRange = .1;
  196. timeToLive =30;
  197. model="\3AS\3AS_Equipment\model\3AS_coredetonator.p3d";
  198. fuseDistance = 3;
  199. explosive = 0.0001;
  200. deflecting = 5;
  201. caliber = 5;
  202. ace_frag_enabled = 0;
  203. ace_frag_force = 0;
  204. ace_frag_classes[] = {""};
  205. ace_frag_metal = 0;
  206. ace_frag_charge = 0;
  207. ace_frag_gurney_c = 0;
  208. ace_frag_gurney_k = "0";
  209. ace_rearm_caliber = 0;
  210. };
  211. class macro_new_ammo(UGL_HE) :G_40mm_HE
  212. {
  213. hit = 60;
  214. indirectHit = 50;
  215. indirectHitRange = 5;
  216. timeToLive =30;
  217. model="\3AS\3AS_Equipment\model\3AS_thermaldet.p3d";
  218. fuseDistance = 5;
  219. };
  220. class RD501_grenade_emp_ammo: G_40mm_HE
  221. {
  222. JLTS_isEMPAmmo=1;
  223. hit = 0.1;
  224. indirectHit = 0.01;
  225. indirectHitRange = 12;
  226. timeToLive =30;
  227. model = "\MRC\JLTS\weapons\Core\effects\emp_blue.p3d";
  228. fuseDistance = 1
  229. explosive = 0.0001;
  230. deflecting = 5;
  231. caliber = 5;
  232. ace_frag_enabled = 0;
  233. ace_frag_force = 0;
  234. ace_frag_classes[] = {""};
  235. ace_frag_metal = 0;
  236. ace_frag_charge = 0;
  237. ace_frag_gurney_c = 0;
  238. ace_frag_gurney_k = "0";
  239. ace_rearm_caliber = 0;
  240. explosionEffects="JLTS_fx_exp_EMP";
  241. grenadeBurningSound[]=
  242. {
  243. "EMPSoundLoop1",
  244. 0.5
  245. };
  246. EMPSoundLoop1[]=
  247. {
  248. "MRC\JLTS\weapons\Grenades\sounds\grenade_burning.wss",
  249. 0.125893,
  250. 1,
  251. 70
  252. };
  253. SoundSetExplosion[]=
  254. {
  255. "JLTS_GrenadeEMP_Exp_SoundSet",
  256. "JLTS_GrenadeEMP_Tail_SoundSet",
  257. "Explosion_Debris_SoundSet"
  258. };
  259. aiAmmoUsageFlags=0;
  260. class CamShakeExplode
  261. {
  262. distance=10;
  263. duration=1;
  264. frequency=20;
  265. power=0;
  266. };
  267. };
  268. class macro_new_ammo(imploder) : 3AS_CoreDetonator_1RND
  269. {
  270. hit=50;
  271. indirectHit=45;
  272. indirectHitRange=2;
  273. fuseDistance=0.5;
  274. explosionTime=0;
  275. simulation="shotShell";
  276. }
  277. class macro_new_ammo(throwable_c_type) : 3AS_CoreDetonator_1RND
  278. {
  279. hit=1500;
  280. indirectHit=1500;
  281. indirectHitRange=10;
  282. typicalspeed=40;
  283. explosionTime=15;
  284. timeToLive=20;
  285. model="\A3\Weapons_F\Explosives\satchel";
  286. simulation="shotShell";
  287. ExplosionEffects="MineNondirectionalExplosion";
  288. CraterEffects="MineNondirectionalCrater";
  289. }
  290. class macro_new_ammo(thermaldet) : 3AS_Detonator_1RND
  291. {
  292. hit=18;
  293. indirectHit=14;
  294. indirectHitRange=8;
  295. };
  296. class macro_new_ammo(thermaldet_cis) : 442_thermal_det
  297. {
  298. hit=10;
  299. indirectHit=8;
  300. indirectHitRange=6;
  301. cost=80;
  302. };
  303. class macro_new_ammo(squad_shield_sigma) : 3AS_CoreDetonator_1RND
  304. {
  305. hit=0;
  306. indirectHit=0;
  307. indirectHitRange=0;
  308. model="\RD501_Weapons\Grenades\data\icecream.p3d";
  309. rd501_fired_deployable = 1;
  310. rd501_fired_deployable_object = "RD501_Squad_Shield";
  311. rd501_fired_deployable_timeToLive = 60;
  312. simulation="shotShell";
  313. }
  314. class macro_new_ammo(squad_shield_alpha) : 3AS_CoreDetonator_1RND
  315. {
  316. hit=0;
  317. indirectHit=0;
  318. indirectHitRange=0;
  319. model="\RD501_Weapons\Grenades\data\icecream.p3d";
  320. rd501_fired_deployable = 1;
  321. rd501_fired_deployable_object = "RD501_Squad_Shield_trench";
  322. rd501_fired_deployable_timeToLive = 120;
  323. simulation="shotShell";
  324. }
  325. class macro_new_ammo(personal_shield) : 3AS_CoreDetonator_1RND
  326. {
  327. hit=0;
  328. indirectHit=0;
  329. indirectHitRange=0;
  330. model="\RD501_Weapons\Grenades\data\icecream.p3d";
  331. rd501_fired_deployable = 1;
  332. rd501_fired_deployable_object = "RD501_Personal_Shield";
  333. rd501_fired_deployable_timeToLive = 120;
  334. rd501_fired_deployable_personal = 1;
  335. rd501_fired_deployable_personal_offset[] = {0.1, 0.9, 0.4};
  336. rd501_fired_deployable_personal_bone = "pelvis";
  337. simulation="shotShell";
  338. };
  339. class macro_new_ammo(super_smoke) : SmokeShell
  340. {
  341. effectsSmoke="RD501_ThickSmokeShellWhiteEffect";
  342. };
  343. class macro_new_ammo(dioxis) : SmokeShell
  344. {
  345. effectsSmoke="RD501_DioxisSmokeShellEffect";
  346. smokeColor[]={0.21250001,0.75580001,0.35909998,1};
  347. };
  348. class macro_new_ammo(blueshadow) : SmokeShell
  349. {
  350. effectsSmoke="RD501_DioxisSmokeShellEffect";
  351. smokeColor[] = {0.2125,0.3,0.8,1};
  352. };
  353. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  354. /////////////////////////Shotgun///////////////////////////////////////
  355. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  356. class macro_new_ammo(shotgun_scatter): B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition
  357. {
  358. hit=20;
  359. submunitionConeAngle = 1;
  360. submunitionAmmo=macro_new_ammo(shotgun_scatter_submunition)
  361. };
  362. class macro_new_ammo(shotgun_scatter_submunition) : B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_Deploy
  363. {
  364. hit=12;
  365. };
  366. class macro_new_ammo(shotgun_HE): B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition
  367. {
  368. hit=20;
  369. submunitionConeAngle = 4;
  370. submunitionAmmo=macro_new_ammo(shotgun_HE_submunition)
  371. };
  372. class macro_new_ammo(shotgun_HE_submunition) : B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_Deploy
  373. {
  374. hit=8;
  375. indirectHit=8;
  376. indirectHitRange=0.9;
  377. };
  378. class macro_new_ammo(shotgun_EMP): B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition
  379. {
  380. hit=20;
  381. submunitionConeAngle = 20;
  382. submunitionAmmo=macro_new_ammo(shotgun_EMP_submunition)
  383. };
  384. class macro_new_ammo(shotgun_EMP_submunition) : B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_Deploy
  385. {
  386. hit=1;
  387. timeToLive = 0.05;
  388. JLTS_isEMPAmmo=1;
  389. };
  390. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  391. /////////////////////////Flares///////////////////////////////////////
  392. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  393. class macro_new_ammo(40mm_white): FlareBase
  394. {
  395. model = "\A3\Weapons_F\Ammo\UGL_Flare";
  396. lightColor[] = {1, 1, 1 ,1};
  397. useFlare = 1;
  398. deflecting = 30;
  399. smokeColor[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
  400. brightness = 1200;
  401. size = 3;//1
  402. triggerTime = 3;
  403. triggerSpeedCoef = 1;
  404. audibleFire = 20;
  405. intensity = 1000000;
  406. flareSize = 3;//1
  407. timeToLive = 120;
  408. flareMaxDistance = 300;
  409. };
  410. class macro_new_ammo(40mm_green): macro_new_ammo(40mm_white)
  411. {
  412. model = "\A3\Weapons_F\Ammo\UGL_Flare";
  413. lightColor[] = {0, 1, 0, 0};
  414. };
  415. class macro_new_ammo(40mm_red): macro_new_ammo(40mm_white)
  416. {
  417. model = "\A3\Weapons_F\Ammo\UGL_Flare";
  418. lightColor[] = {1, 0, 0, 0};
  419. };
  420. class macro_new_ammo(40mm_yellow): macro_new_ammo(40mm_white)
  421. {
  422. model = "\A3\Weapons_F\Ammo\UGL_Flare";
  423. lightColor[] = {1, 1, 0, 0};
  424. };
  425. class macro_new_ammo(40mm_CIR): macro_new_ammo(40mm_white)
  426. {
  427. model = "\A3\Weapons_F\Ammo\UGL_Flare";
  428. lightColor[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.25, 0};
  429. };
  430. class macro_new_ammo(40mm_blue): macro_new_ammo(40mm_white)
  431. {
  432. model = "\A3\Weapons_F\Ammo\UGL_Flare";
  433. lightColor[] = {0, 0, 1, 0};
  434. };
  435. class macro_new_ammo(40mm_cyan): macro_new_ammo(40mm_white)
  436. {
  437. model = "\A3\Weapons_F\Ammo\UGL_Flare";
  438. lightColor[] = {0, 1, 1, 0};
  439. };
  440. class macro_new_ammo(40mm_purple): macro_new_ammo(40mm_white)
  441. {
  442. model = "\A3\Weapons_F\Ammo\UGL_Flare";
  443. lightColor[] = {.7, 0, 1, 0};
  444. };
  445. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  446. /////////////////////////Rockets///////////////////////////////////////
  447. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  448. class ACE_Javelin_FGM148_static;
  449. class R_PG32V_F;
  450. class Mo_cluster_AP;
  451. /*class macro_new_ammo(striker):ACE_Javelin_FGM148_static
  452. {
  453. hit=1650;
  454. effectsMissileInit="RocketBackEffectsStaticRPG";
  455. initTime=0.1;
  456. irLock = 1;
  457. laserLock = 0;
  458. airLock = 0;
  459. class ace_missileguidance {
  460. enabled = 1;
  461. minDeflection = 0.00005; // Minium flap deflection for guidance
  462. maxDeflection = 0.025; // Maximum flap deflection for guidance
  463. incDeflection = 0.00005; // The incrmeent in which deflection adjusts.
  464. canVanillaLock = 0;
  465. // Guidance type for munitions
  466. defaultSeekerType = "Optic";
  467. seekerTypes[] = { "Optic" };
  468. defaultSeekerLockMode = "LOBL";
  469. seekerLockModes[] = { "LOBL" };
  470. seekerAngle = 180; // Angle in front of the missile which can be searched
  471. seekerAccuracy = 1; // seeker accuracy multiplier
  472. seekerMinRange = 0;
  473. seekerMaxRange = 2500; // Range from the missile which the seeker can visually search
  474. seekLastTargetPos = 1; // seek last target position [if seeker loses LOS of target, continue to last known pos]
  475. // Attack profile type selection
  476. defaultAttackProfile = "JAV_TOP";
  477. attackProfiles[] = { "JAV_TOP", "JAV_DIR" };
  478. useModeForAttackProfile = 1;
  479. };
  480. };*/
  481. class macro_new_ammo(rps4heat):R_PG32V_F
  482. {
  483. hit=150;
  484. submunitionAmmo="ammo_Penetrator_Titan_AT";
  485. };
  486. class macro_new_ammo(rps4burst):R_PG32V_F
  487. {
  488. triggerTime = 1;
  489. submunitionConeType[] = {"poissondisc", 16};
  490. submunitionAmmo[] = {macro_new_ammo(rps4burstsub),1};
  491. triggerOnImpact=0;
  492. deleteParentWhenTriggered=1;
  493. //submunitionParentSpeedCoef = 0;
  494. submunitionInitSpeed = 50;
  495. submunitionDirectionType = "SubmunitionAutoLeveling";
  496. };
  497. class macro_new_ammo(rps4burstsub):Mo_cluster_AP
  498. {
  499. hit=12;
  500. indirectHit=8;
  501. indirectHitRange=8;
  502. };
  503. };