respawn = 3; respawndelay = 5; respawnButton = 1; disabledAI = true; enableDebugConsole = 1; allowFunctionsLog = 0; loadScreen="res\liberation.jpg"; onLoadMission = "Created By: The Irish Ace Edited By: 501st Legion"; author = "(501st) Cruisie /T\ (StarWars) The Irish Ace /|\ (Original) [GREUH] Zbug, [GREUH] McKeewa"; onLoadName = "StarWars Liberation Al Rayak"; joinUnassigned = 1; #include "GREUH\UI\GREUH_interface.hpp" #include "ui\liberation_interface.hpp" #include "ui\liberation_notifications.hpp" #include "ui\mission_params.hpp" class CfgDebriefing { class End1 { title = $STR_SORRY; subtitle = ""; description = $STR_COMMANDER_NOT_AUTHORIZED; pictureBackground = ""; }; }; class CfgMusic { class track1 { name = "track1"; sound[] = {"Sounds\intromusic.ogg", db+1,1}; }; };