readme.txt 9.7 KB

  1. last update 4/3/2018 5:45 PM est by Rexi
  2. Here is the file path of various scripts,if its not listed here then its probably 1)scripts being prepped or 2) we forgot :P
  3. /////////////////NOTE THESE FILE PATHS ARE/HAVE TO BE RELAVTIVE TO THE MAIN INIT.SQF FILE////////////////////////////////
  4. /////////////// KEY ////////////////////
  5. /*
  6. ---H means head,usually a script that is automatically ran via EH or CBA XEH.
  7. ---X means tied to a ---H, no need to really apply it.
  8. ---F free script,meaning you can either use in 3den or zeus if you need it.
  9. ---S means this variable has setters
  10. ---G means this variable has getters
  11. ---P This function must have a parameter
  12. ---EXP has exception handling
  13. */
  14. /////////////// END KEY ////////////////////
  15. //To run namenaiInit do/add the following to the main init.sqf
  16. //Or if you want to not have all the bells and whistles just put // infront of the below line if its in init.sqf, or remove it
  17. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\namenaisInit.sqf";
  18. //---------------------DECOMMISSIONED--------------------------
  19. /*
  20. //Global Variables
  21. //This is the global variable file ---G---S
  22. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\globalVars\globalVar.sqf";
  23. //Global Functions
  24. //namEnableConfigAAT
  25. //getter ---EXP
  26. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\globalFnc\namEnableConfigAAT\getnamEnableConfigAAT.sqf";
  27. //setter ---P ---EXP
  28. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\globalFnc\namEnableConfigAAT\setnamEnableConfigAAT.sqf";
  29. */
  30. //---------------------END DECOMMISSIONED--------------------------
  31. //Hermes and Hades
  32. //To allow zeus ease of changing textures weapons etc Hermes - Use Nato>Soliders (virtual reality)>VR Soldier to access. ---F
  33. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\globalFncAndVarPanel\zeusVariableAndFunctionPanel.sqf";
  34. //To allow zeus ease of changing textures weapons etc Hermes - Use CSAT>Soliders (virtual reality)> VR Soldier to access. ---F
  35. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\globalFncAndVarPanel\zeusVariableAndFunctionPanelHades.sqf";
  36. //Vehicle Based---Any Changes to the vehicle it self,not crew
  37. //vehicleVariants
  38. //airBased
  39. //laat weapon,no need to worry as it will auto apply ---H
  40. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\vehicleVariants\airBased\LAAT\laatClaymore.sqf";
  41. //arc-170 weapon,no need to worry as it will auto apply ---H
  42. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\vehicleVariants\airBased\ARC\arcXiphos.sqf";
  43. //arc-170 prevent ejection,note this is tied into the arc-170 weapon script ---X
  44. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\vehicleVariants\airBased\ARC\removeEject.sqf";
  45. //y-wing weapons,no need to worry as it will auto apply ---H
  46. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\vehicleVariants\airBased\YWING\ywingScylla.sqf";
  47. //VULTURE,weapons
  48. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\vehicleVariants\airBased\VULTURE\vultureBase.sqf";
  49. //supporting vehicle scripts,under vehicleBased/actionMenu based
  50. //arc-170 wing tip smoke,tied to arc weapon ---X
  51. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\actionMenu\Smoke\ARC\arcSmokeTipPrB.sqf";
  52. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\actionMenu\Smoke\ARC\arcSmokeTipRB.sqf";
  53. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\actionMenu\Smoke\ARC\arcSmokeTipWB.sqf";
  54. //laat wing tip smoke ,tied to laat weapon ---X
  55. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\actionMenu\Smoke\LAAT\laatSmokeTip.sqf";
  56. //Y-wing thruster tip smoke ,tied to y-wing weapon ---X
  57. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\actionMenu\Smoke\YWING\ywingSmokeTip.sqf";
  58. //seaBased
  59. //speedBoats
  60. //Blufor
  61. //Blufor Speedboat,adds republic eweb for rear and u-wing gunner gun for main cannon ---H
  62. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\vehicleVariants\seaBased\speedBoats\Blufor\bluforSpeedBoat.sqf";
  63. //Opfor
  64. //Opfor Speedboat,adds imperial eweb for rear and u-wing gunner gun for main cannon ---H
  65. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\vehicleVariants\seaBased\speedBoats\Opfor\opforSpeedBoat.sqf";
  66. //landBased
  67. //AT-TE
  68. //AT-TE Base,applies armor and repair additions (runs whenever a at-te is spawned) ---H
  69. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\vehicleVariants\landBased\ATTE\atteBase.sqf";
  70. //AT-TE Trident Class, tied to file below (ran after both top file and when bottom calls it,applies everything) ---X
  71. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\vehicleVariants\landBased\ATTE\atteTridentClass";
  72. //AT-TE Type Selector, Selector is the Nato VR Entity spawn him in to be able to run the Trident Class file above (runs whenever the at-te spawner object action menu is ran,thus running the at-te base and then trident class) ---H
  73. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\vehicleVariants\landBased\ATTE\atteTypeSelector.sqf"
  74. //AAT
  75. //This gives an eweb to the AAT's ---H
  76. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\vehicleVariants\landBased\AAT\aatMohawkClassBase.sqf"
  77. //Mortars
  78. //Adds flares to simulate plasma Mortars NATO(Blue) and CSAT(Red) ---H
  79. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\vehicleVariants\landbased\Mortar\mortars.sqf";
  80. //Sabre
  81. //Sabre adds weapons, fixes health and adds smokes and damage reports ---H
  82. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\vehicleVariants\Landbased\sabres\Sabres.sqf";
  83. //Barc
  84. //Barc allows Barcs to be loaded into vehicles with a cargo space 4 or greater i.e LAATS ---H
  85. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\vehicleVariants\Landbased\barc\barc.sqf";
  86. //Vehicle Action Menu Based
  87. //kappa-cruisie boost ---F
  88. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\actionMenu\Boost\forwardKappa.sqf";
  89. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\actionMenu\Boost\reverseKappa.sqf";
  90. //3den use,note dont use both,working on fixing so that both can be used
  91. [this] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\actionMenu\Boost\forwardKappa.sqf";
  92. [this] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\actionMenu\Boost\reverseKappa.sqf";
  93. //zeus use,note dont use both,working on fixing so that both can be used
  94. [_this] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\actionMenu\Boost\forwardKappa.sqf";
  95. [_this] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\actionMenu\Boost\reverseKappa.sqf";
  96. //Optre-f18 hybrid boost ---F
  97. ["_vic","_namMaxSpeed","_namMinSpeed","_namAccel"] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\actionMenu\Boost\boostStart.sqf";
  98. ["_vic","_namMinSpeed","_namDeAccel"] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\actionMenu\Boost\boostStop.sqf";
  99. //Repair
  100. //Repair script & Auto applied to AT-TE's and Sabre Tanks ---X
  101. [] execVM "Scripts\scripts\zeus3denScripts\vehicleBased\actionMenu\Repair\repair.sqf";
  102. //Add the below to a vehicle to add repair option this should be used for things like turrets that can't be repaired via standard arma/ace. Consumes Toolkits for each repair. (Repairs to a max of 65%) ---F
  103. _this addAction ["<t color='#00FF00'>Hull Damage Report</t>",{ hint parseText format["<t color='#0099FF'> Hull Integrity is :%1%2</t>",((1-(damage (_this select 0)))*100),"%"];},[1],0,false,true,""," commander _target == _this "];
  104. //Played Based---Any Changes onto players
  105. //Aviation Based
  106. //pilot kill detector ---F
  107. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\playerBased\aviation\pilotBased\pilotProtectorBoxEH.sqf";
  108. [this] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\playerBased\aviation\pilotBased\pilotProtectorBoxEH.sqf";//for when you want this on a object in 3den
  109. [_this] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\playerBased\aviation\pilotBased\pilotProtectorBoxEH.sqf";//for when you want to apply it during zeus
  110. //warden resupply ammo ---F
  111. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\playerBased\aviation\wardenBased\wardenAmmoBox.sqf";
  112. [this] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\playerBased\aviation\wardenBased\wardenAmmoBox.sqf";//for when you want this on a object in 3den
  113. [_this] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\playerBased\aviation\wardenBased\wardenAmmoBox.sqf";//for when you want to apply it during zeus
  114. //Airborne Based
  115. //HJS Protcal(AKA Custom JumpPack Script) (HJS means Horseborne Jump Script) parameter namUnit is the unit that is gona get it (Currently in Test and not on Live Servers)
  116. //Ran in initPlayerLocal.sqf which is ran client side whenever someone joins. Only adds the script to them once and when they open inventory and if they have the right jetpack ---H
  117. [namUnit] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\playerBased\airborne\HJS Protocal\jumpAssinger.sqf";
  118. //Called by assinger adds the short jump ---X ^
  119. [namUnit] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\playerBased\airborne\HJS Protocal\jumpShort.sqf";
  120. //Called by assinger adds the long jump ---X ^^
  121. [namUnit] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\playerBased\airborne\HJS Protocal\jumpLong.sqf";
  122. //Called by the jumps, decides if the person can jump ---X
  123. [namUnit] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\playerBased\airborne\HJS Protocal\jumpDecider.sqf";
  124. //Called by assinger adds the logic to prevent dmg on landing ---X ^^^^
  125. [namUnit] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\playerBased\airborne\HJS Protocal\jumpHandler.sqf";
  126. //AI Based---Changes to NPC or things that will mostly not be players
  127. //FactionBased
  128. //OPFOR Based
  129. //CIS
  130. //b2 reconfig,forces b2's to walk--H
  131. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\aiBased\factionBased\opfor\cis\b2\b2Reconfig.sqf";
  132. //BLUFOR Based
  133. //INDEPENDENT Based
  134. //Adds random star wars uniforms to the Syndikat bandits ---H
  135. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\aiBased\factionBased\independent\AAF\RandomSWCIV.sqf";
  136. //CIVILLIAN Based