zeusVariableAndFunctionPanel.sqf 5.6 KB

  1. // Zeus control panel by Nam and Rexi
  2. namZeusPanelHermes={
  3. params["_objToPlacePanelsOn"];
  4. //makes him handcuffed
  5. ([_objToPlacePanelsOn,true] call ace_captives_fnc_setHandcuffed);
  6. removeGoggles _objToPlacePanelsOn;
  7. _objToPlacePanelsOn AddUniform "SWOP_CloneOf_red_F_CombatUniform";
  8. _objToPlacePanelsOn Addheadgear "SWOP_Cloneofficer_capR";
  9. _objToPlacePanelsOn allowdamage false;
  10. //Westworld Meme
  11. _objToPlacePanelsOn addAction ["<t color='#A020F0'> Whats this scroll wheel about ?? </t>",
  12. {
  13. hint "Doesn'T Look Like Anything To Me";
  14. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  15. _objToPlacePanelsOn addAction ["<t color='#00FF00'>Receive Hermes Blessing</t>", {
  16. params["_this","_user"];
  17. //Hermes Control Panel
  18. _user addAction ["<t color='#A020F0'> Hermes Control Panel</t>",
  19. {
  20. hint "REeeE-CC Euler Euler stop ReeEeEing--CC Angel Angle 2k18";
  21. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  22. //Help Command
  23. _user addAction ["<t color='#07FC0E'>Help</t>",
  24. {
  25. hint "Actions below only work on existing vehicles/objects/infantry any vehicles/objects/infantry spawned after the action will be default";
  26. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  27. //Spacer
  28. _user addAction ["<t color='#A020F0'> ---Zeus Vehicles-----</t>",
  29. {
  30. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  31. //Removes AAT's AI Coxial turrets
  32. _user addAction ["<t color='#47FF1A'>Remove AAT AI Coxial Turret </t>",
  33. {
  34. [] execVM (landBasedQuick+aatPath+aatCoax);
  35. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  36. /*
  37. //Makes spawned AAT's Blue and gray
  38. _user addAction ["<t color='#073BFC'>Make Spawned AAT's Blue Variant</t>",
  39. {
  40. [] execVM(landBasedQuick+aatPath+aatRetext);
  41. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  42. */
  43. //Converts Praetorian to star wars
  44. _user addAction ["<t color='#47FF1A'>Converts Praetorian to star wars (CIS Colours)</t>",
  45. {
  46. [] execVM (landBasedQuick+praetorianPath+praetorian);
  47. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  48. /*
  49. //Seriously buffs the Homing Spider Droids with Titan AA missles and Rebel Laser Gun removes standard guns
  50. _user addAction ["<t color='#47FF1A'>Add AA Missles + better gun to Spider Droids </t>",
  51. {
  52. [] execVM (landBasedQuick+homingSpiderDroidPath+homingspiderdroid);
  53. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  54. */
  55. //Spacer
  56. _user addAction ["<t color='#A020F0'> ---Zeus Infantry-----</t>",
  57. {
  58. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  59. //Switch camo droids to Snow
  60. _user addAction ["<t color='#FFFFFF'>Switch B1 CAMO droids to Snow Camo</t>",
  61. {
  62. [] execVM (b1Quick+b1Snow);
  63. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  64. //Switch camo droids to Forest
  65. _user addAction ["<t color='#1E8E00'>Switch B1 CAMO droids to Forest Camo</t>",
  66. {
  67. [] execVM (b1Quick+b1Forest);
  68. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  69. //Switch camo droids to Forest
  70. _user addAction ["<t color='#1E8E00'>Switch Specs op to black</t>",
  71. {
  72. [] execVM (root+aiBased+factionBased+opforFac+cis+soblack);
  73. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  74. //Switch B1 Secondary to AA
  75. _user addAction ["<t color='#073BFC'>Switch B1 Secondary to AA</t>",
  76. {
  77. [] execVM (b1Quick+b1AA);
  78. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  79. /* - Disabled for debugging
  80. //Activate Phantom Protocol
  81. _user addAction ["<t color='#073BFC'>Activate Phantom Protocol</t>",
  82. {
  83. [] execVM "scripts\zeus3denScripts\aiBased\factionBased\opfor\cis\Magma\Phantom.sqf";
  84. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  85. */
  86. //Spacer
  87. _user addAction ["<t color='#A020F0'> ---Players-----</t>",
  88. {
  89. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  90. /*
  91. //Removes Thermals from players
  92. _user addAction ["<t color='#D1021E'>Removes Thermals from players</t>",
  93. {
  94. [] execVM (playedBasedItemsQuick+removeThermal);
  95. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  96. //Adds Thermals back to players
  97. _user addAction ["<t color='#0BD102'>Adds Thermals back to players</t>",
  98. {
  99. [] execVM (playedBasedItemsQuick+addThermal);
  100. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  101. */
  102. //Removes maps and GPS' from players
  103. _user addAction ["<t color='#D1021E'>Removes maps and gps' from players</t>",
  104. {
  105. [] execVM (playedBasedItemsQuick+removeMapGPS);
  106. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  107. //Adds maps and GPS' back to players
  108. _user addAction ["<t color='#0BD102'>Add maps and gps' back to players</t>",
  109. {
  110. [] execVM (playedBasedItemsQuick+addMapGPS);
  111. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  112. //remove NVGS from troopers
  113. _user addAction ["<t color='#D1021E'>Remove NVGS from troopers</t>",
  114. {
  115. [] execVM (playedBasedItemsQuick+removeNVG);
  116. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  117. //Adds nvgs back
  118. _user addAction ["<t color='#0BD102'>Add NVGS to troopers</t>",
  119. {
  120. [] execVM (playedBasedItemsQuick+addNVG);
  121. },[1],0,false,true,"","_target == _this"];//end
  122. "thunder_1" remoteExec ["playSound"];"thunder_1" remoteExec ["playSound"];
  123. [_user,format["%1 Has received the blessing of Hermes %2 (Additional Zeus powers activated)",(name _user),time]] remoteExec ["sideChat", 0];
  124. "Hermes has a message for you! Having FPS problems mid op? try 'Shift+numpadminus then type 'Flush'' will help in some circumstances!" remoteExec ["hint", -2];
  125. deleteVehicle _this select 0;
  126. }];
  127. };
  128. ["B_Protagonist_VR_F", "init",namZeusPanelHermes, true, [], true] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler;