@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-//Get this addons macro
-//get the macro for the air subaddon
-//get generlized macros
-#include "../../../RD501_main/config_macros.hpp"
-//General name of the vehicle
-#define vehicle_addon V_Wing
-#define patch_name MODNAME##vehicle_addon##_Patches
-#define vehicle_classname MODNAME##_##vehicle_addon
-#define new_v_wing_class(name) vehicle_classname##_##name
-class CfgPatches
- class macro_patch_name(V_Wing)
- {
- addonRootClass=macro_patch_name(vehicles)
- requiredAddons[]=
- {
- macro_patch_name(vehicles)
- };
- requiredVersion=0.1;
- units[]=
- {
- macro_new_vehicle(v_wing,MKII)
- };
- weapons[]=
- {
- };
- };
-#include "../../common/sensor_templates.hpp"
-class CfgVehicles
- class Plane_Base_F;
- class swop_Vwing:Plane_Base_F
- {
- class Components;
- class ACE_SelfActions;
- };
- class macro_new_vehicle(v_wing,MKII):swop_Vwing
- {
- side=1;
- scope=2;
- scopeCurator=2;
- displayName = "V-Wing Mk.II";
- forceInGarage = 1;
- //dmg stuff
- armor=1925;
- armorStructural = 1;
- vtol = 4;
- faction = macro_republic_faction
- editorSubcategory = macro_editor_cat_air(Republic_vtol)
- vehicleClass = macro_editor_vehicle_type_air(Republic)
- ballisticsComputer = 1+8;
- visualTarget = 1;
- visualTargetSize = 1;
- reportOwnPosition = true;
- radarTargetSize = 1;
- radarTarget = 1;
- nvTarget = 1;
- laserTarget = 1;
- laserScanner = 0;
- irTarget = 1;
- irTargetSize = 1;
- countermeasureActivationRadius = 2000;
- //flight model
- maxSpeed=1100;
- aileronSensitivity=0.41;
- elevatorSensitivity=0.41;
- airBrakeFrictionCoef=120;
- brakeDistance = 80;
- noseDownCoef = 0;
- acceleration = 225;
- draconicForceXCoef=15;
- draconicForceYCoef=6;
- draconicForceZCoef=12;
- altFullForce=18000;
- altNoForce=19000;
- draconicTorqueXCoef[]={2.0,1.5,1.0,0.9,1.0,0.9,0.75,0.8,0.9,0.95,1.0};
- draconicTorqueYCoef[]={1.5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
- VTOLYawInfluence="3.5";
- VTOLPitchInfluence="10";
- VTOLRollInfluence="9";
- rudderInfluence=0.9;
- envelope[] = {0.5,2.11,2.43,1.97,1.72,2.69,3.87,5.27,6.89,8.72,9.7,9.6,9.2,8.5,8.2,8};
- thrustCoef[] = {1.5,3.69,3.62,3.68,3.74,3.81,3.89,3.95,3.96,3.96,3.92,3.4,0.4,0,0,0};
- elevatorCoef[] = {0.3,0.5,0.66,0.52,0.49,0.46,0.43,0.4,0.35,0.3,0.25,0.18,0.17,0.16,0.15,0.15};
- aileronCoef[] = {0.4,0.5,0.8,0.95,1.02,1.04,1.03,1.01,1,0.7,0.6,0.55,0.5,0.45,0.4,0.35};
- rudderCoef[]={0,0.6,0.9,1.0,1.1,1.0,0.9,0.8,0.6,0.35,0.3,0.25,0.2};
- rudderControlsSensitivityCoef=4.5;
- gearsUpFrictionCoef=0;
- class EventHandlers{};
- class UserActions
- {
- class AfterburnerOn
- {
- displayName = "<t color='#4C9900'>[Afterburner On]</t>";
- shortcut = "";
- condition = "speed this >50 and (!(this getVariable 'AfterBurnervwing'))";
- statement = "this setVariable ['AfterBurnervwing',true,true];this spawn nes4day_afterburnervwing";
- priority = 1e+011;
- displayNameDefault = "";
- position = "pilotview";
- radius = 10;
- onlyforplayer = 1;
- shortcut="User19"
- };
- class AfterburnerOff
- {
- displayName = "<t color='#FF9933'>[Afterburner Off]</t>";
- shortcut = "";
- condition = "(this getVariable ['AfterBurnervwing',true])";
- statement = "this setVariable ['AfterBurnervwing',false,true]";
- priority = 1e+011;
- displayNameDefault = "";
- position = "pilotview";
- radius = 10;
- onlyforplayer = 1;
- shortcut="User20"
- };
- #include "../../common/universal_dmg_report.hpp"
- }
- class ACE_SelfActions:ACE_SelfActions
- {
- #include "../../common/universal_hud_color_changer.hpp"
- };
- #include "../../common/universal_mfd.hpp"
- weapons[] = {
- macro_new_weapon(laser,v_wing),
- macro_new_weapon(wynd,a2a),
- macro_new_weapon(wynd,lgm1),
- macro_basic_air_weapons
- };
- magazines[] = {
- macro_basic_air_mags,
- macro_new_mag(generic_aircraft_gun_asg,3000),
- macro_new_mag(a2a,4),
- macro_new_mag(a2a,4),
- macro_new_mag(a2a,4),
- macro_new_mag(lgm,1)
- };
- class pilotCamera
- {
- class OpticsIn
- {
- class Wide
- {
- opticsDisplayName="WFOV";
- initAngleX=0;
- minAngleX=-10;
- maxAngleX=90;
- initAngleY=0;
- minAngleY=-90;
- maxAngleY=90;
- initFov=0.425;//"(30 / 120)";
- minFov=0.425;//"(30 / 120)";
- maxFov=0.425;//"(30 / 120)";
- directionStabilized=1;
- thermalMode[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5};
- visionMode[]=
- {
- "Normal",
- "NVG",
- "Ti"
- };
- gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_wide_F.p3d";
- opticsPPEffects[]=
- {
- "OpticsCHAbera2",
- "OpticsBlur2"
- };
- };
- class zoomx4: Wide
- {
- opticsDisplayName="NFOV";
- initFov="(0.425/4)";//"(3.75 / 120)";
- minFov="(0.425/4)";//"(3.75 / 120)";
- maxFov="(0.425/4)";//"(3.75 / 120)";
- gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
- };
- class zoomX8: Wide
- {
- opticsDisplayName="NFOV";
- initFov="(0.42/8)";//"(.375 / 120)";
- minFov="(0.42/8)";//"(.375 / 120)";
- maxFov="(0.42/8)";//"(.375 / 120)";
- gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
- };
- class zoomX20: Wide
- {
- opticsDisplayName="NFOV";
- initFov="(0.42/20)";//"(.375 / 120)";
- minFov="(0.42/20)";//"(.375 / 120)";
- maxFov="(0.42/20)";//"(.375 / 120)";
- gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
- };
- class zoomX50: Wide
- {
- opticsDisplayName="NFOV";
- initFov="(0.42/50)";//"(.375 / 120)";
- minFov="(0.42/50)";//"(.375 / 120)";
- maxFov="(0.42/50)";//"(.375 / 120)";
- gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
- };
- class zoomX70: Wide
- {
- opticsDisplayName="NFOV";
- initFov="(0.42/70)";//"(.375 / 120)";
- minFov="(0.42/70)";//"(.375 / 120)";
- maxFov="(0.42/70)";//"(.375 / 120)";
- gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
- };
- showMiniMapInOptics=1;
- showUAVViewInOptics=0;
- showSlingLoadManagerInOptics=1;
- };
- minTurn=-180;
- maxTurn=180;
- initTurn=0;
- minElev=-10;
- maxElev=90;
- initElev=-10;
- maxXRotSpeed=0.30000001;
- maxYRotSpeed=0.30000001;
- pilotOpticsShowCursor=1;
- controllable=1;
- };
- class Components: Components
- {
- class SensorsManagerComponent
- {
- class Components
- {
- class IRSensorComponent:SensorTemplateIR
- {
- class AirTarget
- {
- //minRange = 500;
- //maxRange = 3000;
- minRange = 5;
- maxRange = 8000;
- objectDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
- viewDistanceLimitCoef = 1;
- };
- class GroundTarget
- {
- //minRange = 500;
- //maxRange = 2000;
- minRange = 5;
- maxRange = 8000;
- objectDistanceLimitCoef = 1;
- viewDistanceLimitCoef = 1;
- };
- maxTrackableSpeed = 700;
- //maxTrackableSpeed = 70;
- animDirection = "mainGun";
- //angleRangeHorizontal = 46;
- //angleRangeVertical = 34;
- angleRangeHorizontal = 170;
- angleRangeVertical = 170;
- aimdown = -0.25;
- };
- class VisualSensorComponent:SensorTemplateVisual
- {
- class AirTarget
- {
- //minRange = 500;
- //maxRange = 2000;
- minRange = 5;
- maxRange = 12000;
- objectDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
- viewDistanceLimitCoef = 1;
- };
- class GroundTarget
- {
- //minRange = 500;
- maxRange = 1500;
- minRange = 5;
- //maxRange = 7000;
- objectDistanceLimitCoef = 1;
- viewDistanceLimitCoef = 1;
- };
- //maxTrackableSpeed = 70;
- maxTrackableSpeed = 700;
- animDirection = "mainGun";
- //angleRangeHorizontal = 46;
- //angleRangeVertical = 34;
- angleRangeHorizontal = 170;
- angleRangeVertical = 170;
- aimdown = -0.25;
- };
- class ActiveRadarSensorComponent:SensorTemplateActiveRadar
- {
- class AirTarget
- {
- //minRange = 5000;
- //maxRange = 5000;
- minRange = 5;
- maxRange = 12000;
- objectDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
- viewDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
- };
- class GroundTarget
- {
- //minRange = 4000;
- //maxRange = 4000;
- minRange = 4;
- maxRange = 8000;
- objectDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
- viewDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
- };
- maxTrackableSpeed = 1250;
- //maxTrackableSpeed = 125;
- angleRangeHorizontal = 180;
- //angleRangeVertical = 90;
- angleRangeVertical = 180;
- groundNoiseDistanceCoef = -1;
- maxGroundNoiseDistance = -1;
- minSpeedThreshold = 0;
- maxSpeedThreshold = 0;
- aimDown = 30;
- };
- class PassiveRadarSensorComponent:SensorTemplatePassiveRadar
- {
- };
- class LaserSensorComponent:SensorTemplateLaser
- {
- };
- class NVSensorComponent:SensorTemplateNV
- {
- };
- };
- };
- class VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerComponentLeft: DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerLeft
- {
- class Components: Components
- {
- class VehiclePrimaryGunnerDisplay
- {
- componentType = "TransportFeedDisplayComponent";
- source = "PrimaryGunner";
- };
- class VehicleMissileDisplay
- {
- componentType = "TransportFeedDisplayComponent";
- source = "Missile";
- };
- class SensorDisplay
- {
- componentType = "SensorsDisplayComponent";
- range[] = {4000, 2000, 16000, 8000};
- resource = "RscCustomInfoSensors";
- };
- };
- };
- class VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerComponentRight: DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerRight
- {
- defaultDisplay = "SensorDisplay";
- class Components: Components
- {
- class VehiclePrimaryGunnerDisplay
- {
- componentType = "TransportFeedDisplayComponent";
- source = "PrimaryGunner";
- };
- class VehicleMissileDisplay
- {
- componentType = "TransportFeedDisplayComponent";
- source = "Missile";
- };
- class SensorDisplay
- {
- componentType = "SensorsDisplayComponent";
- range[] = {4000, 2000, 16000, 8000};
- resource = "RscCustomInfoSensors";
- };
- };
- };
- };
- };